Ch 13

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Hi everyone I've been really busy sry for not updating.

Last chapter

"Mom we're dating"

Tris's POV

I just told her I'm sweating so much and so is Four.

"I'm so happy for you, I was just waiting for this to happen," My mom said.

"What," I asked.

"Well you blush every time he's around, and Four you are always staring at her," my mom said.

I never really noticed him looking at me.

"Good luck telling your brothers Tris, Four doesn't underestimate the boys," my mom said.

"Thanks but I think Tris and I can handle them" Four replied.

To tell the truth, we were both scared to death.


Time lapse


"Hey Trisy what's up," Uriah said.

"Nothing what about you" I replied.

"Just looking for Zeke" Uriah replied.

"Okay see you later," I said walking away

Then all the sudden I bumped into someone.

"Tris are you okay," the person asked.

"Yah," I said looking up to find out I ran into Four.

"Since I bumped into you when are we going to tell your brothers that I'm your boyfriend, " Four asked

"I don't know" I replied.

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