Chapter 14

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AN Hey everyone sorry it's been so long I have been a busy woman with school and the start of summer. Thank you for understanding.

Tris POV

How are we going to tell them? Uriah and Zeke are really protective of me so they might attack Four. We still have to tell them though.

"Trissy I'm home" I heard Uriah shout

"I'm upstairs" I yelled back

I heard him coming upstairs and as I punched the punching bag in my room.

"Hey Trissy guess what I brought home," Uriah said.

"What," I asked.

"Dauntless cake" He replied.

"Yay you're the best brother ever," I said before taking a huge bite of dauntless cake.

"Hey love to stay but got to go love you," I said.

"Where you going," He asked.

"I just got to go be back later," I said.

I was actually going to see Four that was close.

Uriah POV

That was weird Tris never hides stuff from me. This must be big I need to follow her. Where is she going wait were near the chasm of no is she going to jump. I don't think so, but maybe. She just went to a place near the chasm and I see Four Zeke's best friend. Four kisses Tris and she kisses him back. OMG, they have been dating behind our backs.

Tris POV

I hurried to our spot we need to talk about how to tell my brothers. I get to our spot and Four kisses me and I kiss back.

"Hi Tris" Four says

"Hi Four" I replied

"Are you ready to tell them" he asked

"yes" I replied

"Let's do it" he said grabing my hand

I texted Uriah, Zeke, and My mom to meet me at the house.

Let's do this.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Tris why did you text me to meet you herr e" Zeke asked

"Just wait till everyone's here" I replied

"Four what are you doing here" Zeke asked

"uhhhhhhhh" Four said


Sry for such a short chap later

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