chapter 19

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Hey everyone how was your weekend. Just finished science fair's final paper should have more time to update.

Tris POV

Four and I went to the cafeteria holding hands Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn's eyes widened and mouths drop to the floor.

"look at Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn" I whispered in Four's ear

"That's so funny, they didn't know right let's go sit with them," he said back

we went and sat with Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn.

"hey Four and Tris," Marlene said

she was the only one of the three that could say anything. Then Zeke and Uriah Showed up. Zeke kissed Shauna and they sat down.

"When did this happen," Lynn asked

"A Couple days ago," I said

"You Guys are so cute I think I'll call you Fourtris," said Marlene

"okay Mar that's enough" Said Uriah

"hey I had an idea lets have a game of candor or dauntless tonight," I said

"Yah" everyone said

"what's that"Four asked

"only the best game ever," Zeke Said

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