Chapter 3 Fears

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Tobias POV

I was put in a simulation.

I am up high I start to breathe fast I need to get to the other side. There's a door I go through it.

I get to though I'm in a small box the sides start to push me in I start to hyperventilate.

I am so scared. I take and push with my arms on both sides and all the sudden the box starts to get smaller faster. I see a nail I put the nail into the side.

Then I'm in a room and I see Tris.

" Kill her," a voice says

"What, why" I respond

"You want to be one of us don't you," the voice says getting louder " KILL HER"

I finally do it I shoot her and I see the light leave her eyes.

I start to cry and all the sudden

I am back at my childhood home and Marcus my father is there with a belt.

"Tobias, this is for your own good," he says

I hear the whip feel the pain and I try to calm down. It's not working. I eventually catch the Belt. I wake up in a sweat. I'm back at the compound.

"I know what you are," Amar says


Thanks for reading my story


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