~ chapter fourteen ~

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• Coralines POV •
"BO LOOK OUT!" I yell, pointing towards the incoming minivan. he makes a huge swerve and i shut my eyes tight and curl up in a ball. I can't believe this is actually happening.. I trust him and he gets into a car crash.. I can't get mad at him.. But i should be.. This is why I don't drive..

All of these thoughts are rushing through my mind before I think of nothing at all. Everything goes black and all I can feel is lightness. I think I'm dead, and then I start to hear a voice.

"You've held on long enough, let go. He won't need you," a voice says. A faint sight of black shiny wings are coming towards me, before I see the rest of the creature. It's a woman, very pale with bright red lips. This is a dream, i think. The dark cousin-from American Horror Story. She's not real, i tell myself. I am not dead. this is not real..

The lady closes her eyes and puckers her lips, ready to take me. "No," I say, backing away. "Im not ready."

Everything goes black again, and my mind and brain are blank. I can feel my heart beating and I know im alive. I can hear little whispers but I can't move or do anything.

"Im so sorry," "I will fix it" "I just ran into somebody" "all my fault.."

All I hear is a woman's voice, until i finally hear Bo's.

"My.. Girlfriend.." "We've been.." And then blackness again.

I can feel hands on my arms and body, and instantly want to reject them, tell them to take their hands off of me, but I can't. I can't do anything, and it's very clear to me. I can barley hear my heart beating anymore.

Blackness is back once I hit my head on some sort of bar while being hoisted up. This time, it's not all blackness. I can see a bright light up in the sky. Im standing but I can see my whole body. Im in third person view, i think. i was never very good at english. I can't be bothered by technicalities so I just try to walk toward the light. The light gets bigger and bigger until it's gone. Now I can't see anything, but I can hear murmuring. It's the sound of people, a man and a woman to be exact. The light comes back on and I see two larger but not fat but larger people standing talking to each other in the distance. They turn around and I see their faces.

My parents. I turn my back to them and start fast walking away, hoping they didn't even see me. I hear their heavy breathing and start running. Im running And running until I can't see anything again. I look back and there is nobody there, and the light is too tiny to illuminate anything. I sit down, but there is not even a ground. It's just nothingness. I cry and cry and cry, but it still doesn't help.

Where am I?

"Honey, come to us. Im sorry we disappointed you. Please be with us. It's safer here." My mom reaches out her hand and I can actually see it. I think about taking it because this alice in wonderland moment is too much to take right now, but then I remember what I heard bo say.

"My.. Girlfriend.." He called me his girlfriend. He cares about me. Even though my parents are dead, im not. I can't die. I have to be there for bo. He is the only person I care about anymore. He is my light, my sun, he makes me shine.

I return my hand and get up. "Im sorry. Not just yet." I hug both my mom and dad and say one more thing until I go back to reality;

"I am so sorry."

Im sorry if you haven't seen american horror story asylum yet or at all, but the dark cousin is jsut someone who comes and takes people when they are on the brink of life. Idk I just like the idea and stuff don't hurt me
IF YOURE CONFUSED // this is the chapter coraline finds out her parents are gonners. it official

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