~ chapter seventeen ~

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• Coralines POV •
"You are just so stunning," he says. Liar, I think. I roll my eyes without him noticing, or at least I thought he didn't notice. He rolled his eyes back playfully and sat down next to me. He grabbed my hand and put his head down. "I was so worried about you. I am so sorry I got you into this.." He says, his voice light. He sounded like he was about to cry. He sounded sincere, like he actually wanted me to live or something. Something I've never witnessed before.

"It's not your fault, Bo." And it wasn't. He was doing everything right, it was the stupid Hispanic lady who was reckless.

"I was driving. I didn't even get a bruise and your in the hospital. It's not fair." He looks up at me, his red eyes trying to catch a glance with mine.

"Stop. Im not mad at you. Please don't think I am." But Honestly, I was kind of upset. Not at bo really, but at me. For going with some stranger. I should know better. Why would I trust him when I can't even trust myself? i should have known better. but I can't blame him. He didn't purposely try to kill me or get me here.

He looks at me, his eyes all sad and his face cute. I literally cannot stay mad at him. I smile at him and this time he's the one saying "what?"

I shake my head a little because I know he's just saying that because I did.

"Sooo when are we going to escape from here? Let's climb out the windows or something.." I start to sit up, just so I can look at him properly.

"Whoa, slow down. You just got here, I think you should stay longer than an hour or two." He says, but he doesn't know. I bet if I asked i could get out.

The blanket falls down, revealing my naked arms to the cold air, showing everybody what a wonderful life I've had. It's like a showcase, all the way since freshman year to now. What a beautiful story.. Not.

I yank the blanket up, thinking about how badly I do not want bo to see my scars, even though he probably already has. He would have a terrible sight to not see them. I didn't want him tk be sad again around me so I just thought I'll talk to him about them later, if he even cares. He probably won't. Nobody does.

"Do you want me to get a doctor? Maybe he'll let us leave earlyyy" bo says, walking towards the door. I nod my head enthusiastically and bo yells for a nurse.

"When can I take her out of here?" bo says the to nurse. Please be now, please be now, I feel fine, I feel okay, let me go, I think.

the nurse laughs a little. "seriously?" we look at her confused, and she jsut gets serious and says "no, she was just in a car crash, we have to keep her overnight. according to the doctors at least. if you really want help, call a doctor. im only a nurse." wow, rude much?

"ok," bo says simply, no thank you. hes serious, he must be. he always says thank you, even when its not appropriate.

The nurse leaves. "Do you want me to get a doctor? I don't know what they'll say but maybe they won't be so rude about it."

"No that's okay. Just come here and talk to me," I say, surprising myself. I've never had anyone to say that too so I don't know how I got courage to do that. Good job me.

He smiles and sits in the chair next to my bed. I imagine him laying down next to me, and how awkward it would be to have a lanky 6 foot person next to a chubby 5 foot person. I wish he were lating down next to me, now that I am thinking about it. I want his arms around me, protecting me. I want him.

"Are you sure you don't hate me?" He says, looking at me with his sad eyes again. Not the sad eyes, anything but his sad eyes.

"Yes, im positive! Stop asking or else i might. I want you here don't i?" This time I take his hand and put it in my lap.

I have gained so much confidence in these last couple days, since I met bo. He makes me be myself. He makes me happy, happier than I've ever been. I've only been with him for two days, but I've known him for years. It's kind of weird, i kind of grew up with him, seen him change, and how much he actually changed over the years. How much cuter he got, even though he's always cute. Literally what doesn't he look good in. Nothing, is the answer. Absolutely nothing. He never knew who I was, I never even got to see him in concerts or anything. I never had enough money, or else I would've supported him. A long time ago I bought one of his t shirts but I have no idea where that is now. It just boggles my mind to think about how many years he's made me happy, and how he's just now meeting me. If that even makes sense.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks. I can't help but smile everytime I see his face, everything is just so perfect about it.

"Just life, i guess." I lied, I don't want him knowing that i "grew up with him". How weird does that sound! Yeah, not saying that.

"After we get out of this place, do you just want to go home? I mean depending on your problems, ya wreck," he jokes.

"Yeah I guess so. I don't really feel like eating or being in public anymore." I say, this time being honest. I really don't feel like going anywhere, but I really do not want to stay in this hospital.

*zach stone is gonna be famous, Zach stone is gon-*

"Heh, oops. Just my phone.." He says, looking at his phone and answering. He points at the door, motioning him to go in the hallway, and i nod and he leaves. I laugh a little. His ringtone to his own phone is from his old TV show. He's so lame, I thought. I wonder who was calling him. I mean his dad is potentially in jail and his moms here, but he does have friends im assuming. I mean how can he not. He's bo burnham.

Suddenly, during me just thinking about life and bo, I feel really nauseous and dizzy and I think I might throw up. I don't throw up and that feeling goes away but im still dizzy and now lightheaded and the room is spinning. I feel like im trapped in alice in wonderland again, all i can see is blurry parts of the room. Am I even in the hospital? Did the dark cousin take me or something? Why don't I recognize anything?

I toss and turn and even throw a pillow across the room because I felt the door was closing up on me. The dizziness and lighthead symptoms dont go away and bo is not back yet. I don't want to get up but I might have to.

I swing my feet off the bed and throw my head dow into my hands. It's in so much pain right now but I need help. Nobody ever even showed me a buzzer button thing for nurses so this is my only choice. I start to stand up and then start to walk. I feel like the walls are growing from the ground and they are getting closer with every second i stay in here. "HelLo? AnYbOdy?" I say, half yelling. Nobody hears me so I walk towards the door, pushing everything out of my way, or so it seems i am.

I finally make it out the door, but still holding onto the door frame for support. "HELLO! I DO-"


Lately guys I've honestly been feeling so crap and writing helps and seeing that I have over 100+ votes (thank you!) and 2.3k+ reads (double thank you!) makes me really happy. I love writing and sometimes I honestly am not feeling the chapter but then I see how many reads and how many votes and my friends compliment them it jsut makes me all fuzzy SOOO thank you YALL are great.
Writing helps me not to think about all the stuff I do and writing this makes me extra happy bC I want it to feel you are coraline, and you are with bo and idk it just makes me feel better.
Hmu?// insta : @nickixphan

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