~ chapter twenty four ~ *important authors note*

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please read authors note at end! v important
• Coralines POV •
Maybe I was being a little over dramatic. I've never fought like this with anybody, so I don't really know how to react. I guess I am pretty sensitive when people mention my cuts, but I don't know. This time with Bo I just kid of blew up. You push someone to their limit, they go over. like a simple weaved piece of clothing. one thread is holding it together, but when you pull that thread, all the other strings come apart. which is what happened to me.

I don't know if I'm going to apologize just yet, and I don't think he should either. We are both being reasonable here. He is right, I am pretty mentally crazy to be scaring my body but to me it does actually help. We both have our reasons and I should just be glad he didn't kick me out or anything. We've been going strong for more than a month or so now, and this is our biggest fight. Pretty lame, but that's good. He's a big part of me now and if I stayed mad at him, my life would just be terrible. I would never be okay without him.

I look up at the sky. A beautiful array of small and faint stars appear in the sky. I smile because i think of Bo and i's first kiss. at the park, under a perfect alignment of stars. it was wonderful.

I look at my phone again, expecting a million more missed calls and texts from Bo, but there's only three. Two texts, each that say something generally like "I miss you, take your time, come home" and all that. I told him I needed time and space and he's giving it to me. I smile to my phone and put it to my chest. I stare at the pink-purple starry sky for a couple more seconds before I decide to take the long way home.

I love walking in the dark. It's so calming, listening to the crickets and the lack of birds. A little rustle makes me jump every now and then, but it's never anything to be afraid of and I kind of like the small thrill of the unknown.

Maybe I was wrong to act so dramatically about this. I mean, he didn't know. He doesn't even understand. I guess I did over react a little, but you can't blame me. I havnt lived without my parents through my whole life and all the sudden this change. It's a lot for me to take it, especially for someone who hates changes. Not that i was much better with my parents. I'm happier with Bo 100% of the time. Even now.

I look ahead and there's just enough light to see Bo's house. Only Bo's car remains in the driveway. his dad left to go somewhere a little while ago. I stop and wait outside, just to think about what I'm going to do. If Bo apologizes, I'm going to stop him. I'm not going apologize. I just want him to be okay, and have him know I'm okay.

I slowly approach the house and walk up those familiar porch steps and look back. No cars on the road, no streetlights on the sidewalks, just a normal road. No turning back. I open the door and see Bo with his head down on the kitchen table and his phone in his hand, ready to answer if anyone called. I feel all fuzzy inside because I know he does care. He cares about me.

I sneak up on him, hoping to scare him. i tiptoe up to him and pounce my hands on his back like claws. he jolts up and looks around to see me. he playfully punches me and i giggle a little. he wraps his arms around me, and i know that we both know we were wrong, but also right. I love hugging Bo, his body shape is perfect to me. I can wrap my arms around him to where I can almost touch my own body again, if I squeeze really hard. He is so lanky, but I am so attracted to it. He rests his head atop of mine, and I think he loves it. I love it. It feels very protective. Smashing my face in his chest is great for me too. Who wouldn't be okay with that? Im sure it's not the same for him though. He gets to hug a bit oversized girl with boobs. Sounds great. Hugging Bo is ten thousand times better, I'm sure of it.

He doesn't let go and neither do I. It was a long needed hug, not just for the fight but for everything. We haven't really hugged much, it's all been cuddles. This hug kind of makes up for it all, and I could hug him like this all night if he'd let me. God, I love this. I could get used to this.

"Are you okay?" He says, finally pulling away, but before doing so he kisses the top of my head. I smile to myself, mentally, reassuring myself that he does care.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I just needed to be alone. I haven't been really alone in a while.." I say, not looking him into the eyes for no particular reason. "Are you okay? You seem a little... Tired?"

"Yeah, I was just worried about you. I didn't want you to get hurt. And after it was getting dark outside I was getting really worried but I figured you didn't want me texting you like crazy so I just held my phone just in case." Wow, I think. He's actually amazing. Not that I haven't been thinking that before, but wow.

"Well thank you. I do appreciate it. I feel fine though. No harm done." I say, smiling to him this time, looking him in the eyes. "But, uh, thanks. For everything I guess."

He nods, not really knowing what that means but going along with it anyways because he's just used to me. "So, how does some sleep sound?" He says, pointing his thumbs to the basement.

i tiredly nod, taking hold of his hand and he basically drags me down the stairs. "thanks for being cool." i lean into him on our way down and when we reach the end of the stairs, he kisses the top of my head.

"thanks for coming home."
ohhhhh my golly im so sorry for not uploading for like more than 10 days. i dunno why ive just been tired... terrible excuse i know. but i mean i have been soooo
anywho. i hope your liking to booooook bc i have no idea what im doing anymore. im thinking im gonna end it soon. idek. tell me feedback... or dont idrc its ur life man
please vote and share and such! i know o never ask but it would be very nice (((((:
have a nice week yall

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