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"Connie..." Steven reached for her hand in desperation, only to have her recoil with anger and push her face in his.

"Leave me alone, Steven." She glared at him as hard as she could. "I don't need your pity."

"Connie, we have to talk about this..."

"What is there to talk about?" She snipped. "I am doing perfectly fine on my own." Her chin lifted defiantly and her eyes darkened with steely resolve. 

Steven edged closer to her, slowly herding his angry best friend into a corner. "Connie this isn't like you. Tell me what's wrong. You've been off and you can't tell me you're fine because you're not." He leveled her with a hard stare, daring her to tell him another lie.

Her heart picked up pace and she looked away, trying to keep her composure and remember what he had done. "Why do you care?"

"Because I care about you." Steven sighed in confusion slamming his hand on the wall next to her head. He placed another toned arm on either side of her, trapping the girl with no escape.

Connie's face scrunched up in pain at his kind words. "Don't tell me that." She murmured. She tried pushing her way out of his cage but just ended up feeling exhausted. "You're just hurting me more."

"But why?" Steven pressed. "How could I possibly be hurting you by caring? This isnt like you!" He gritted his teeth, searing frustration pulsing through him. "You have never been this girl. Sleeping around with a bunch of guys who don't give a flying FUCK about My Connie."

"I'm not YOUR Connie." She snarled.

"You certainly aren't. Because APPARENTLY, My Connie is dead." He paused, letting her recoil in shock. "She's gone. Isn't she?" He searched her eyes and shook his head. "Not the girl I was gonna..." He shook his head again and took a step back, biting his lip.

She froze, her insides boiling. He was bluffing. He didn't mean it. He has NO idea what's going on. "You can't change the way I feel...you don't understand. You'll never understand. Just go."

Steven's heart jumped into his throat. "Absolutely not. You aren't in your right mind. I'm not going anywhere."

Connie felt anger rising in her throat at his blatant and bold assumption. "Excuse you, but I don't need your accusations, I don't need your protection,  and I don't need your cheap lies. I don't need anything from you. I'm. Fine." Connie inhaled and gave him a smirk. "Besides, being jealous isn't very becoming of a Diamond Prince, hm? How do you think all of your loyal subjects and fangirls would react? No," She crooned wickedly. "Jealousy is ugly on such a ladies man."

Steven growled. Now that wouldn't fly. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. "Jealous of a bunch of assholes taking advantage of a beautiful future queen with all the vulnerability in the universe? A bunch of blind sheep following a wolf in tearing apart innocent souls and leaving the scraps for me to find? Is that supposed to make me jealous? Or, are you perhaps stating that I would be jealous of those pigs scavenging your body for scraps of the girl I used to know as she willingly lets them in an attempt to dull the pain of whatever I even did to you? Is that it Connie? You want me to be jealous of the fact that you cant control your hurt? And as for my fangirls, in case you havent noticed, I do notice they want me, I don't SELL OUT TO EVERY SINGLE ONE. Because I dont want any of my fangirls. I wanted you. But you were spending your time fucking all those other assholes." He glared at her, willing himself not to cry at this moment. Any crying and she would take it as weakness and deal the finishing blow. "Well, maybe that's the way you deal with it, but..." he slackened his grip on her arm and sighed. "That's not what I signed up for."

Connie stopped herself from saying something stupid in her defense. But she was confused and angry at the hybrids correct assumptions of everything. She hated it. She hated everything about it. Why was it that she was so easy to read for him, but to the other guys, she was a mystery? A mysterious siren with a much too short skirt winking and blowing off as many guys as she could before lunch. Why was she- no. Why was HE doing this? Why was it her fault? Didnt he know he caused all this pain?

"Its your fault, you know."

Steven whirled around. "Come again?"

"This is your fault. You started this and now you want me to be the bad guy."

"How did I start this? So what, am I your pimp now? Did I force you to have sex with all those creeps?"

"Well, no... but... you broke me first."



Silence filled the air between them as the sun set over the horizon. Connie hugged herself and shivered, but neither were certain if it was the chill of the night, or the statement she had screamed.

Steven stared at a spot behind Connie, his hands clenched in his pockets. How could she say that? He never... okay so he did kinda dump her on her birthday, but he said he wasn't ready. He didn't say go and sleep with everyone in the world. They didn't even break up. He just... he said he wasn't ready. Was that breaking up? He thought it was obvious. But was it? Apparently not, if Connie had been sleeping with all those guys. She thought she was single again and without him. She'd never cheat. He knew that much.

Was this his fault?

"Oh Connie..." He reached for her face vainly wanting her to look at him.

She turned her head stubbornly. "You dumped me. It's over. It's been over because YOU ended it. It's too late now. I'm done."

She walked off towards her apartment, hips not swaying like she had started doing. Her shoulders slumped and shook with every few steps.

"But it wasn't...

I thought it was obvious."

WHEW WOWIE ZOWIE!!! This chapter is intense. It's great. I love it actually. Probably my favorite chapter in awhile. Please vote and tell your friends.

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