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"Oh my god pepper" i walked into there shared room. " I know , I know.  What am i gonna do !?" "You have to tell tony" She went pale. "Um- i don't think i can" "you have to tell him, like now" She nodded and i walked her out of there room. "Hey guys Pepper has something to say" Tony looked up "Whats up?" "Um.... Im......Pregnant" His face lit up and he came running to pepper. "I'M GONNA BE A DAD" He lifted up peper and twirled her around, pepper laughed and had tears in her eyes. "I'm so happy, i can't wait to have my own child" I smiled and congratulated him and pepper.

Bucky came up to me and kissed me, "One day I want that to be us" "So do I but Not yet" HE nodded and gave me a hug, "I love you doll" "I love you too " we let go and said we have to get dinner at a fancy restaurant. "What time" Pepper Asked. "Um lets make in at 7:00" "Okay!" Me and Bucky went to get changed because it was almost 7:00 already. 

"How do i look Baby?" I walked out of the closet with a nice dress on. "Wow Doll you look amazing" He kissed me again, "You don't look so back your self" He was wearing a Nice tight shirt with a pair of dress pants. "We should head down stairs" "okay" We linked arms and walked down. "Ahh i love it when the link arms" Nat jumped up and down, "Okay, Okay calm down." She hugged me, then sh elet go and hugged Bucky. Bucky hugged her back. 

"So is everyone ready!" Tony walked down the stairs holding peepers hand. "yes!" We all said in unison. "Okay lets roll out"
The car ride was short but it was a tighter fit than most of out car rides

We got in the restaurant and sat down, while we ordered food, i noticed someone staring at me. when I looked over to the table next to me I girl was just looking at me. I waved and she rolled her eyes.   

i looked away and ignored her, "Oh My go I saw that show" I luaghed at the Suggestion Nat Made. "Hey are you Y/N Y/L" I turned my head and saw the same girl who was looking at me. " It was but its Y/n Barnes now!" "Oh so you actually married her?" She looked pasted me at Bucky. "Um yea I did" "MHM Okay just um here is my number call me if you get bored of... that" She looked me up and down and walked away. "You know!" She stopped and looked at me, "If you have a problem with my say it to my face" she turned around and walled to me, "okay, I don't like you, Bucky should be with a pure heart. Like me, some one who isn't a killer."

"Alright, i have a feeling you haven't done your research" I gripped her by her hair and walked her out side, "I'm  a goddess" i pushed her to the ground, " I can unleash the gate of hell right now if i really feel like it" She stood up and went to punch me I dodged it just in time. "I'm a trained assassin"   i kicked her and she fell again. "you have a problem with who he chose to marry, deal with it." She tried to stand, "Im 1,000 years old, you have nothing on me" I let her go and walked back in. "Does anyone else have a problem with me!" Every shook there heads no. "Good" i walked back to my seat. "Y/n your wings" Bucky Looked at me. "Oh well " i sat down and started to eat.


What bitch 

Stay Safe 




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