Its your choice

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Dear Y/n,

I'm sorry for being an idiot and acting like a child, will you let me forgive you on the roof?

Love, Bucky


I laughed, alright the roof that's  a new one. I walked to the elevator, I pressed roof. when I got there I pushed open the door to see Bucky siting in an open tent with fairy lights around it. "Awe Bucky" "I'm sorry Doll, I was in my head." I gave him a hug, then kissed him. "Baby its okay I forgive you" he smiled then picked me up and spun me around. "come on lets watch the sun set" we carried me over to the tent, I looked in and my (favorite Snack) was siting in the middle. " go ahead doll" I sat down in they blanket and he crawled in after me

"you Know I love you doll" he twisted a couple strainds of my hair in his fingers. "Yes, and did you know that I love you more?" "Liar, I love you more" I picked up the pillow and hit him with it "ouch my feelings" "he I can make it better" He picked me up and held me upside down and waled around. "If I get a concussion its your fault!" "down worry I won't drop you"

we walked around a little more, then h placed me in my feet and held me close as we sat on the edge of the building. "the sun set Is beautiful Bucky", "But it is no were near as beautiful as you" I blushed, "Oh shut up" I punched him, he game me a toothy smile, and held me again. 

it started to get cold so we walked back in side. "hey I'm gonna head to bed doll" "ill be up in like five minuets" I ages him a kiss and he walked away. 

--------your fathers POV--------------

"So if I make this you'll let us go and tell us were Y/n is?" "yes" "but what if I can't" "we will actually kill you this time" I looked up at the celling. "Ill do it but for Y/n, not for you" I stood up and was taken back to Lidia and DJ. "what happened Baby" "They said if I build the thing we can be set free and they will tell were Y/n Is" "Oh My God, are you gonna bulld it?" "yes Lidia" "what happenes if you cant" "they said they will actually kill us this time" 

I Tucked in my wife and Dj, "Goodnight you guys" "night dad" "good night Steven" I sighed as the guard came to take me to the work shop. "get started you only have 3 weeks or" he inmates slicing my throat with his finger. "Okay, Okay" I got stared, I get all the tools I needed. "Your Building a Machine to kill on oof your own?" "yup, and I think you know who it is." "Y/n!?" he nodded his head. " I can't I'm not build the thing that will kill my daughter!" " your  daughter I made her!" he hit me "now start or I will Kill Y/n, your wife and your son" 

he left and I wiped my eyes. "I'm so sorry Y/n please forgive me" I continued to work on it. 

--------------time skip 1 week----------

"At least let us be with her for awhile" "Fine I'll give you 8 weeks, then we will kill her" " I cant believe I'm doing this" he scoffed and walked out. I couldn't do it but I have to, what if she has a family again, a lover, friends? I put the wrench down and took a couple of deep breaths. "you are my sun shine; my only sunshine. you make me happy; when skys are grey. you never know dear; how much I love you. please don't take my sun shine away" I let a few tears out, wiped them away, and continued  working .

------------time skip one more week----------

"one week left Steven, if its not completed your dead" "its  almost finished" he looked at me " it better be, or you'll have no one left" "wait you said you would kill all of us" "Steven I've changed my mind,  you get to live and everyone else dies" I felt even more to sickened. I either live alone for ever in this hell, or kill my daughter to save my other family. 


(729 words) 

Its gonna go down hill from here but I cant tell you what happens!!!!

Stay Safe 



- L 

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