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(This whole chapter is about Megan)

My week back has sucked, Well most of it was good. Me and Bucky went out together every nigh to make up for lost time. Me Nat and Wanda do girl things around lunch time and in the mornings I hang out with Morgan.  Every part was perfect, except for the fact that Megan is trying to Take my place completely.  From how I dress, How I act, and she even will pretend sh his married to Bucky.


"Hey doll wake up we have to go on a run with Steve, Sam, And Meg" I groaned and rolled over, "Why is she always around us" "She just wants some friends that's all" I rolled Im sure she just wants friend, to be exact she wants my friends, And my life! "Okay come one were gonna be late" Bucky pulled the sheets off, "Fine just give me like 5 minutes" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I went to pull out some work out pants but mine were not there. "What?" I dug around in the drawer, "Whats wrong doll?" "Those black work out pants, They are my only ones right now. I cant seem to find them" He sat next to me, "Hm, I swear I washed them. Okay then lets just get you some shorts." I nodded and Bucky pulled out a pair of short. I slide them on and threw and white shirt on top of my sports bra. "Alright lets go!" 

Me and Bucky talked about what we are gonna do after our run. I pushed open the gym door and saw Megan in my legging. "Wait Bucky, Those are my Leggings!" He squinted his eyes at the pants. "Oh They are!" I rolled my head back. "Please do not touch my clothes without asking." "oh my bad I thought you would be okay with it." "Well  im not so dont do it" Steve stepped in. "Okay, we should get started on the run" I walked over to the back door that leads to were we always run. I started at a light jog, Only because being immortal and a god with some super-solider serum makes you fast. "Not gonna run fast today?" Sam jogged next to me. "No, not really in the mood." "Oh come on you love a good race." "Okay but only this one time" I started running, I pasted by Steve and Bucky and left sam in the dust. 

After our run, Me and Bucky went for breakfast. "Im not happy she took my pants" "Hey there just pants and you have to get new ones anyway." "Yea I guess"

_------------time skip-------

3 days of this bullshit, She even laughs like me now. I tried to tell Tony but he denied me and so did everyone else, Except for Wanda and Nat they knew what she was up to. 

_-------------present time-----

It was Monday after noon when it happened, I just got done with lunch and had gone to my room. Megan just so magically forgot where here room was and ended up in mine and Bucky bed. "Whoah wrong room!" "No its not" I shook my head. "Look Megan you can try all you want to be me but you just cant" "fine than ill get rid of you" "What?" She picked up the vase that Steves mom gave to Bucky for a birthday gift and threw it on the floor. "what the hell are you doing!?" I went over to it "That was the only thing he had left!" 

Bucky feet ran through the halls. "Y/n are yo-" When I looked over at Megan she was on the floor crying. "Y/n what the hell happened." Before I could answer she spat out. "She threw that vase at me!" She started  sobbing . "y/n!" "Bucky she is l-" "Get out" "What?" "GET OUT OF THIS TOWER BEFORE I HURT YOU" fear sat in my chest. The fact that he was gonna hurt me, killed me inside. "Fine, but when the truth come out dont call or text or come to see me" I left the room.

on my way out Nat and Wanda stopped me."Hey what's wrong?" I just walked pasted them and kept moving. I pulled open the doors to leave The tower. Then it hit me, I have no were to go. I found a small spot close to the tower and sat on the cold concrete, Then I realized I still had my old apartment back on oak street. I pulled myself together and started walking. 

When I got inside they place was covered in dust, Some mold and a lot of blood. "What the hell happened in here?" then my phone went of ID: NAT ROMANOFF I hit decline.

-----------Nats Pov-------

"She declined again" Wanda put her hand on her face. "what if she is gone like she is kidnapped" I rolled my eyes at Wanda, "Its Y/n who would dare to touch her" she sighed "lets go talk to Bucky" 

We walked up to his door, Then we heard sobs and his voice. "Hey listen, she is and ass and I dont what is her problem." I wiped open his door. "Your the asshole, this bitch has been coping and trying to take her place. Last week when Steve said "hey Megan you okay" She blinked twice. Steve only taught that to Y/n that was their thing. Also stealing of the clothes and she now had you. AND YOUR WIFE IS SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD AND We DONT KNOW WERE SHE IS!!!!" 

Bucky face of anger, Then it went into shock. "Oh my god.  Your right" Megan went to speak. "No do not say a word, and while you're at it get out" With out hesitation she got up and left.

Bucky laid back on his bed. "what did I do" I scoffed. "You broke her heart, and you're her husband you are supposed to side with her through every choice she makes every statement she says and you are supposed to believe her when she tells you something is wrong"  he put his head in his hands, "Im going to go find her now, you better figure out what to say to her when she gets back" I walked out and closed the door behind me. "okay y/n were would you go?"

---------your Pov---------

I picked up the dirty bucket of water, "Ew" I had been scrubbing and cleaning up around the apartment. I walked the cool dirty water to the sink and dumped it out, Then refilled it with hot water and go a new rag. 

I Was letting my mind run wild, I was thinking about Bucky, Megan, Nat. What if Nat chose not to tell him. What if I'm stuck here forever. * Knock, Knock* "who's there?" "Uh I'm the maker of this building" what? how this place was abandon like 6 years ago. I pulled open the door, "Nat?" she rushed into the apartment. "Okay listen I know your mad at Bucky but he needs to talk to you, what else... OH! and Megan is gone" I walked over to the counter. "Im not going back Nat" Her smile melted into a frown. "What why?" I tightened my pony tail, "Because Bucky made his choice" " I had a feeling you were gonna say that... NOW!" I felt a prick in the back of my neck. "What the hell?" my limbs went weak.  I dropped to the floor. "Sorry Y/n but I had to" 

----time skip------------

I wanted to open my eyes but they felt heavy. I tried sitting up but my body wouldn't move, Then it just happened. My eyes shot open and I sat straight up, "Nat?" "hey im right here" "Where am I?"  "Your in the tower" my eyes focused on the room, it was very bright . "So Bucky wants to talk to you, can I send him in?" I nodded. "Okay ill be back" she stood from her chair and left the room. I looked around the room, I automatically new I was in banners room. 

"Doll?" I looked back at the door. There sat a nervous Bucky leaning on the door frame. "hey" He walked in the room more. "Y/n im sorry, I dont know what came over me" I looked down at my hands. "Its okay" "No its not, I chose someone over you. I shouldn't have you are my wife." I held out my arms, I just needed a hug. he smiled and walked over to me. I got pulled into his embrace, " I will never chose anyone over you again."


Stay Safe 




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