Shame Train

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I walked out of my room with Bucky not trailing far behind, we were hand in hand but the only problem was the hallway wasn't made for  a person with wings and a super solider to walk down shoulder to shoulder. " Y/n i just wanted to tell you im sorry for last night." "Steve it alright, im fine." Steve smiled at me. "Hey you 3 breakfast is ready." Nat was a good cook so she cooked most night and mornings. " im not hungry though but thanks, im gonna go train." " Alright be safe and you have to eat lunch then." "OKAY!". I already knew i wasn't gonna eat lunch.

Left, right , left, left , right, i  ran the count trough my head than did it on the bag, the door to the gym opened and closed and voices almost over powered my music but just a little too quiet. someone tapped my shoulder and i went to go punch but i was too slow. "woah Y/n Its just me." I saw Bucky standing there with a man bun, it was cute. Small hairs framed his face, "sorry wasnt expecting you to tap my shoulder" He let out a chuckle, "ill let you back at it" 

Right, left ,right,left,left,right,right Over and over the words "wings?" went though my brain what did she mean my wings, yea like no shit i have wings but.....this makes no sense to me. What if Bucky leaves me Because  of the wings or horns. "okay but im not gonna treat her like royalty " " Sharon  that's not what I'm asking just be civil" "Fine" Sharon made her way  to me "Y/n I guess i have to do this, im so sorry princess" i looked at her in a very confused way. "what do you not like me calling you princess, princess, princess." i went into shock, no one has called me princess since my dad died 

--------------flash back----------------

"its grape flavored you'll like it!"
"nope im dont want it."

"well only to become a princess you have to drink it"

"Fine" ( drinks medicine)  

"now you are a princess, my dear prinsess take me to your castle."

"Yay! Daddy follow me!"

---------present time------------------

my arms dropped to my sides, my horn grew out my no suit. Tears pricked my eye, "please do not call me that." "or what, your a monster, if you hurt me you'll prove to them you are a monster." i swallowed the ball in my throat and left the gym.

Bucky's POV';

I walked out of the changing rooms with steve to find Sharon on the floor sobing, steve ran up to her "baby whats wrong?" "it was Y/n she called me Princess over and over and you know my dad who died, he only called me that!" i looked at her Y/n would never have done that only because she lost her father. " that dosent sound like Y/n" i spoke. "Bucky why would Sharon lie?"

Your POV:

I panicked, i grabbed my bag off the floor and searched trough it, " come on where is it!" pulled all of mine and Bucky's clothes out of the drawers, "WERE THE FUCK IS IT!" " you looking for this?" She had held up the note my father gave me when we went over seas. " GIVE IT I NEED IT." "Why?" "becasue!" she walked over to the lit candle. "oops" The letter dropped, i felt my stomach get  weak, my world was crashing down, "that was all i had left of him." "you act like his is dead" "HE IS SO IS MY MOTHER AND MY BROTHER, YOU BITCH!" Bucky and Steve busted through the door. "Y/n are you okay." " the letter my father gave me....." Sharon gave me a look of death, " i lost it and sharon was helping me find it and hi got mad and lashed out on her. "Really Y/n after you made fun of her fathers death," Steve spoke with posion in his voice, she told my story she flipped it on to me.

"LUNCH TIME!" Nat yelled from the kitchen me, Bucky , Steve, and Sharon walk to the Kitchen. I grabbed a granola bar off the counter "Thanks Nat!" and i raced upstairs and threw out the bar. I made my way to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. "Daddy i tried, like i really did. I dont think i can hold on anymore." i huffed, "i wish you could hear me" i filled the tub up with water warm but not hot, once it was filled  i stepped in and with out hesitation i pulled my self under. Tony put covers over the tubs so they would stay clean, and i pulled that over to and locked it.

My eyes closed and i let myself go, Not soon after the door broke down and i was pulled out of the water( you still had your clothes on) "Y/n what are you doing!" i felt ashamed, then i cried i cried so hard i don't know if i will ever stop. "Y/N  Did you eat the granola bar?" I shook my head, Bucky pulled me in tighter.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(857 words) 

little bit sad, recomend songs you wanna listen to while reader 

stay safe




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