· The Arcade ·

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Enjoy! xx
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Tabitha's POV

"Wilbur, hurry up!" I sigh, banging on the bathroom door.

It's ten am and I didn't wake up to my alarm on time. Wilbur also woke up late and it's been battle of the bathrooms ever since.

"Move, short stack," Techno grumbles sleepily, putting a hand on my shoulder before moving me away from the door.

Techno isn't a morning person either, it seems.

"Hey," I pout. "I was here first!"

"Sounds like a you problem, child"

I roll my eyes and sigh, giving up on any chances of getting a shower this morning.
I walk back to my room and throw the clothes in my hands on the bed before jogging downstairs in an unsettled mood.
I like my morning showers.

"Morning," I smile, entering the kitchen and sitting next to Tommy.

"Good morning," Phil smiles back, handing me a cup of hot tea.

"You showered quick," Tommy says, biting off a piece of his bacon.

"Don't start," I sigh, blowing on my tea. "Will and Techno pushed that possibility far from me this morning"

Phil frowns and raises an eyebrow. "Do you need me to go have a word with them?"

I shake my head no.

"I appreciate it, but nah"


Techno and Will come downstairs ten minutes later, all damp hair and nicely dressed for the day.

"Oh, what a GREAT shower that was," Will teases, slipping some bread into the toaster.

"True," Techno grins. "I feel so REFRESHED"

"You guys are assholes," I mutter.

Phil laughs and nods. "You'll get used to it"


An hour later, we all get into the car to go to Brighton pier.
A few days ago, Phil suggested we should have a family bonding day during the weekend. After a full week of school, soft bickering and an argument between Techno and Tubbo, no one was really interested in going anywhere. Tommy suggested we should try somewhere near and spend an afternoon at the pier. Phil said it was a great idea. Tommy and I have definitely been looking forward to the trip as well as Tubbo, but I think Phil had to force Will and Techno to come as well. Maybe even bribe them.

"Stop leaning into me!" Techno sighs.

"I didn't do anything!" Tubbo squeaks back, looking at Will for support.

"Boys," Phil warns, raising an eyebrow.

"It wasn't even me!" Tubbo exhales, slumping in his seat as he crosses his arms grumpily.

Phil chuckles and shakes his head as he turns a corner. The beautiful sea stretches out in front of us as we get closer and closer to the pier, the excitement growing within me.


"Yes, Tommy?" Phil says.

"I've got bird poo on my jacket"

Everyone laughs and Tubbo looks a little pale. Way to ruin the mood, bro.


After Phil parks the car, everyone gets out and we make our way onto the pier. Phil walks behind to make sure he doesn't lose anyone whilst Wilbur and Tommy argue over who's going to win the most games and flirt with the most women. Techno and Tubbo just talk as they walk alongside each other, laughing and looking around the pier. 

"Hey," Phil smiles, walking next to me. 

"Hey," I reply, smiling back at him. 

"How come you're not with the guys?"

Phil nods towards the arcade where Tubbo, Techno, Will and Tommy are. 

"I feel a little out of place," I admit, shrugging. "Plus, I'm not a big social person"

Phil nods. "I get that. You were a lot like me when I was your age"

We join the boys in the arcade and I roll my eyes when I see Tommy winning air hockey against Will. 

"Looking good, Tommy," Phil says, raising an eyebrow at Will. "Cmon, son, do something"

We spend about an hour in the arcade, playing lots of different games and getting tickets. In the end, after Tommy wins almost everything, we turn the tickets in and Tommy buys a nerf gun thingy. 

"My vlog gun," Tommy says, kissing the tip of it. "I knew there was something missing in my life"

"Oh, God," Techno sighs, shaking his head. "Let's get some food before this turns into something else"

"Agreed," Phil says.


We break for lunch at a small restaurant at the front of the pier. The view is fantastic and so is the food. 

Everyone goes for the fish and chips on the menu and different drinks. Tommy and I get a lemonade, Techno and Phil get a beer and Will gets some water. 

The food arrives no less than fifteen minutes later and I dig into the golden fried fish and potatoes. Everyone eats quietly and happily, pausing to say stuff sometimes. Little by little, as more conversation breaks out, I think everyone is starting to enjoy the family outing a bit more. 


When it's time to go home, I'm glad. I've had a lot of fun hanging out with my family, but my legs and feet are dying and I suddenly long for the hot shower that I missed this morning. 

"Tired?" Will asks, nudging me gently as the family waits for Tubbo to tie his shoelaces. 

I nod. "Yeah, my feet are killing me"

"Piggy ride?"

I laugh and nod, shrugging my shoulders as to say sure. Will bends down and I hop on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck to secure myself. 

"Wow, so this is what being tall feels like?" I ask, teasing Will.

"It's not my fault you're tiny," he shoots back. 

"Tubbooooooo, can I go on your back?" Tommy whines in an annoying voice, stretching Tubbo's name out. 

"No, you'd kill me," Tubbo laughs, shaking his head. 


"Don't even think about it, child," Phil grins, shaking his head. 


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