chapter 4

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September 2,2015
Louis pov

"Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back" I sing as I make my way to the school.
   As I pull into the parking spot I get out and make my way into the office to check my teacher mailbox."
  "As I headed to my classroom I heard someone calling my name." "Mr.poulston,mr.poulston!!!"  I stop and turn around and I notice it's Jasper."
  "Hey Jasper what can I help you with?"  "Its just I really want to help you with the auditions you just didn't give me any information or anything else."
    " Oh your right I'm sorry about that. What lunch do you have mabye we can go over everything then I have all the lunch blocks clear unless I get called into a class and if that I will leave a note on the door."
   " I have first lunch I usually eat with darcy. I haven't seen her yet but then again she always goes to the library first thing." 
   "Well I'll see you then and if you want you can bring Darcy with you." After that I went to my classroom unlocked the door and put everything at my desk."
Then I went and opened the window to let the chilly air before it gets hot later.
Then I start writing what we are doing on the board and put a piece of paper on every desk just as the first student comes in.
  "Moring Mr Poulston." "Good morning abbie,just relax till everyone comes in." As everyone comes in and the bell rings someone brings in the ipads for the students for the year.
"OK everyone as you can see the ipads for the year arrive so instead of me saying your name and you saying here you will come up and get your ipad."

Jessica ward: ipad 1
Samantha Morris:ipad 2
Elizabeth price : ipad 3
Amber Cook:ipad 4
Abigail cox: ipad 5
Abbie Marshall : ipad 6
Matthew foster: ipad 7
Daniel Campbell:ipad 8
William hunt :ipad 9
Kyle owen:ipad 10
Steven palmer:ipad 11
Jeremy dixion:ipad 12
Nathan Walsh:ipad 13
Adam brooks:ipad 14
Lauren  booth:ipad 15
"Okay so just get setup with the ipad then we start the lesson." I get a bunch of OKs I then sit down for a few minutes before I get up to start the lesson.
   "Okay so each Monday there will be a piece of paper on your desk like you have here. It will go over what we are doing for the week.
"If you are not here on Monday or the start of the week there will be a tray in the back for your class. So I have a binder for all of you with this week performance we will be doing a performance of seussical. Now can we have a vote do you guys want to do all the singing or do you guys just want to act the lines?."
"Everyone who wants to sing raise your hand." As I said that almost everyone hands in the classroom went up except Abbie. "Ok then it's settled now let's do parts and then on your way out I'll hand you a binder."
"So I'll be picking at random now don't forget everybody will have a part so there's no hiding." "Ok I will just go down the cast list and pick someone to play cat. "Daniel you will play cat ok now for Horton."
"I'm going to say the character and name and it will be on your binders as well I picked this out in advance."
Mrs mayor-Jessica
Sour kangaroo-Kyle
Vlad vladikoff-William
Yertle the turtle-Matthew
Bird girls-Abigail
"now one at a time come up and get your binders and then you can relax the last five minutes of class"
Abbie was last to come up so I was happy so I can ask her a question
"Abbie are you okay with singing in front of everyone?" "Oh yes I'm fine I didn't raise my hand because I thought I would be the only one but then I saw everyone else and then I felt embarrassed for not doing it."
"Okay then you can go sit down now" right before the bell ringed I had to make a quick announcement "okay everyone the bell is about to ring but I want you guys to start going over your lines and practice songs I have a cd with the songs on there one version is karaoke one isn't." Then the bell rung "okay everyone have a good day and night."
After I finished all my classes for the day I was writing out my notes for the club when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in" "hi mr.Poulston I'm here to go over everything" "of course jasper is Darcy with you?"
"She got called to the office last period but I told her to meet me here." "Okay then let's get started so you won't just be casting you will also be helping with the stage and the actors you will basically be a assistant director"
"Really? I will get to do all of that?" "Yes but just so you know it's a lot of responsibility you will have to be here almost everyday after school will you be able to do that?"
"Yes sir" "okay good now I'm going to
Give you a pice of paper for what days next week you will need to stay after" I handed him a piece of paper and he looked at it and then smiled at me.
"Okay that is it you can stay here for the rest of lunch or you can go back to lunch" just as he was about to answer Darcy came in with her hair in a high pony tail and wearing clothes a little to big for her. "I think we'll go to lunch but thank you for this opportunity"
"No problem I'll see you both later bye jasper bye Darcy" I was alone for the rest of the day and then at the end of the day I packed up my things and headed home to get ready for my date tonight.
As I arrived at the restaurant I was so excited to me going to have this date because I never thought we would make it this far especially with all the contracts and everything we had to go through.
As I sit down at the table and wait for Harry I just can't stop thinking about Darcy and why the clothes were to big they got her away from her parents right? I hope she is okay.
"Hey babe" I look up to see Harry standing there "hey hazza sorry I was lost in thought" he smirks at me "I could tell"
He then sits down and we start are date and everything thing is prefect we reminisce about our past and everything then he brings up Darcy.
"So I called dfe she is placed in a group home along with her older sister it turns out all of them were being abused."
"How many kids are there?" Harry sighs before he speaks. "well not a lot well at least not in my opinion" "oh my god that's a lot in your opion if you could you would raise a army" "okay I'll tell you there's rose she the oldest,she is 12.Then there is Darcy as you know and she is 11 then comes Lilith and she is only 10."
"Last but not least is Chloe she is only 5 years old." I sigh before speaking "wow that's a lot of girls" "yea but all we need to do is fill out paperwork and get approval which should only take a few hours"
"Yea but that's tomorrow let's finish tonight" "that reminds me" Harry takes out a card and hands it to me

The stars in the sky,
Match the sparkle in your eye.
Love starts with a dance,
Then blooms into romance.
If two become one,
It's a lot more fun.
My request is simply:
Will you please marry me?

I look up and see Harry gone from the table I look around in confusion and see he is in front of me with a ring in his hand
"Louis William Tomlinson will you do me the favor of marrying me and becoming my husband?" "Yes I will marry you"
Harry then puts the ring on my hand and kisses me and let's say the rest of the night was so romantic
Can I just say I'm sorry for the long wait but I made the chapter longer than usual as an apology I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I will now be updating this story on Monday and Saturday only

Bye for now my loves ❤️❤️💕💕

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