Chapter 10

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As soon as Louis gets home and puts the tv on for James he calls Harry to ask when he's going to be home.
"Hey Lou,what's up?" Louis sits on the couch and picks James up and puts him on his lap. "I was wondering when your going to be home we need to talk"
Harry sighs "i should be home within a hour do I need to pick up dinner or are we having a home cooked meal" Louis laughs "I'm making chicken parmigiana" "okay see you in a hour bye"
Louis then hangs up and he hears singing and looks down to see James singing along to tangled. Louis looks at him then sighs "buddy can you stay on the couch while I go see if your sister are home yet"
   James nods his head and Louis looks through the house and sees none of the girls are home yet so he texts them to ask when they are coming home.
   He then goes to downstairs and picks James up who complains "daddy I want to watch enn" Louis laughs "how about you color daddy a picture while he makes dinner"
   "Otay daddy I draw oody" Louis then sits James down in his booster seat and then and puts crayons and a toy story coloring book in front of him.
  He then starts on making dinner for the family he turns Alexa on and starts up Disney music and starts to make the chicken after he puts it in the oven he hears the front door open.
   "Dad I'm home" rose says as she walks in the door she then walks in and heads to the kitchen she crouches down next to James "what are you coloring" James switches colors "uzz and oody"
    Rose then stands back up she looks at Louis "chicken Parmesan or Parma ham" Louis laughs "chicken parmesan and do you know where your sisters are?" Rose sighs "chole is at Davies house until 7 and the girls are on their way home"
   Louis sighs "okay  is chole going  to eat there who do I have to save her a plate" Rose sighs "no they are having shepeards pie so she will come home do her time tables and get ready for bed"
  Louis laughs "thanks sweetie do you mind watching him he keeps trying to leave to go watch tangled" " sure come on James let's go watch tangled hub" 
    They then go into the sitting room. In the recording studio Harry is in the recording studio singing his last verse for the day and after he finishes he leaves the booth." He picks up his phone and sees a text 'girls are home and dinner is just about done hope you come home soon xxx' Harry smiles
"Guys it was fun recording but my family awaits" they all say goodbye to Harry and then he gets in his car and goes home.
When Harry enters the house he hears James crying Harry walks into the kitchen and sees Louis cleaning a cut on James knee "what happened?" Louis sighs "he was running around in the backyard and fell and now he has a cut"
James looks up at him and holds his arms up for Harry Harry picks him up and puts him at the kitchen table. Harry then sets the table and grabs the dishes and puts them in the table.
And yells for the kids to come down the stairs once everyone is down they sit at the table and put food on their plates and everyone starts taking about there day.
After dinner rose and lilth do the dishes because it is their night for doing dishes. "I have to pick up Chloe in a little bit so I was thinking of bathing James now and taking him with me to tire him out" Louis says to Harry
Harry looks up from pointing out shapes and colors in a book with James "uh do you mind if I spend some time with my man or me you and James can go get some Froyo" Harry spells out Louis thinks about it "yea and then when we get back you can give him a bath and and I can go get chole"
They stand up and Harry puts shoes and a jacket on James before getting his sneakers and jacket before meeting Louis in the entryway "girls we are going out we will be back in a bit" Harry yells out and they leave
When they get to froyo place they get three cups one with strawberries and banana for James,one with banana for Harry and one with blueberries nuts and strawberries for Louis.
They then sit down and eat their froyo as James is eating Louis brings up what him Niall and Liam talked about. "So Liam and Niall told me that we need to get the band back together and it's a order from Simon but I told him only if we can come out"
   Harry wipes James mouth and looks up at Louis "uh.. wow I have tour and I have some movie offers that I could do after we talked about it" Louis looks at Harry "yea Harry I want you to do whatever you want as long as we talk,what movies?"
   "Well I was offered to do the little mermaid but it interferes with your so I can't do that but I have two other movies that are for older audiences" Louis nods his head.
"That's good Harry" Harry sighs and looks at James who takes Harry froyo "when we're you going to tell me you were writing songs again?"  Louis looks up "I'm not well not for me well mabye I mean I'm not planning on doing a album at least not yet but mabye one day"
They clean up and go home and once they get home Harry takes James inside and Louis leaves to go get chole. Once Louis gets to the Augustines house he knocks on the door "mr Tomlinson just on time chole your dad is here"  Louis here chole walking and then her saying goodbye to her friend and then they leave with Louis strapping chole in her booster seat.
When they get home chole starts on her homework and Louis goes to say goodnight to James before he knows it everyone is in bed and he is on the way soon as soon as he hits the pillow he is asleep without a care in the world.
   When Louis gets to school the next morning after he drops all his kids off minus James he goes into his class and teaches he explains they will be doing a science from high school musical on Friday and castes the students.
  On his lunch break he goes to the music room to start playing some music but when he goes there he sees some students from his class. "Mabye we should cover perfect or drank you down by one direction" Louis walks in.
"How about story of my life" Louis says walking in they all turn to look at him "mr poulston" Oliver and samual say at the same time
"So are you guys starting a band of already one?" Louis ask they all turn to look at each other "we are one we are hoping to be like one direction or even the Beatles"
Louis smiles "well if you guys want I could help you out I use to be in a band back in the day" they look at each other again
"Yes please" they all respond and then Louis helps them the rest of lunch.
Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter

Check out my new Larry story called oops I conceived on tour L.S FYI it is a male pregnancy so if you don't like that I suggest you don't read it.

Bye for now my loves ❤️❤️❤️📕📚📚

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