chapter 6

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Louis POV
I pace back and forth while I wait for the social worker to arrive we just moved into this nice house Harry had as a surprise.
Just as I'm about to sit down to relax the door bell rings so I run out of the family room to answer it. "Hello mr.Tomlinson?" "Yes please come in" " Is mr styles going to be joining us?" "Yes he went to store to buy groceries but then he got stuck in traffic I told him to wait but he's stubborn what can I do"
  "I completely understand my husband is the exact same way. Anyway I think it would be best if we do a house tour first and then we can do your interview and then by then mr.styles should be back"
  "Yea that actually sounds perfect."  So I showed all the rooms which she said was fine and then I gave my interview which if I can say was the most nerve wracking and by the time I was finish Harry was back.
    So while I put all the groceries away Harry had his solo interview and when I was done we then had a interview together. She said that everything was perfect and that we should have the girls by the end of the week.
As I'm grading the students paper on information about Romeo and Juliet on what they know so far. When Harry walks in the room.
"Hey babe how about we go do something it's a lovely Saturday afternoon and we are stuck inside." "Ok what do you want to do?" "Well I would really like to go get some girl bedding I don't think they will be fans of grey or black maybe the red but I'd like to have some girl colors."
   "Okay and maybe get some things for their room" "exactly" We both got ready and went to the store to get all the supplies we needed and then we got home and set everything up
"I hope the girls like the rooms" Harry says as we finish setting up the last bedroom "haz they are not in their teen years yet so I don't think they will be high maintenance"
"Yea maybe your right" "okay how about we go watch the notebook and order some pizza" "that sounds perfect Lou". We both fell asleep on the sofa watching the notebook the rest of the weekend we just lazed around or Harry did while I finish grad ring and setting everything up for the week.
When I wake up on Monday the first thing I notice is it's cold or colder than how it's been so after I finish getting ready I turn the heat up.
Then I grab everything and head outside as I get in my car I notice a sticky note on my steering wheel.
Good morning Lou I had to head out early as you can tell I'll be home before you get home and I just wanted you to know I got a phone call at first light saying the girls will be here today so get ready for that have a good day and I'll see you later love you,love hazza
I smile as I read it he is so thoughtful I start my ignition and then I head to the school as I get into my classroom I put everything down and away and then put paper on each desk and I go to the white board since I'm early I have time to spare.
"Mr poulston?" I turn around to see Darcy standing in the door way standing on the balls of her feet "Darcy what can I do for you?" "Well first period is my free period so I asked to do drama instead and your my teacher" " oh your my new student why don't you sit in the front"
She gingerly walks to the seat I pointed at I tell her that we are doing a play today that she can join in or just watch she decides to just watch.
As all the students come in they fill out the paper and then start the play it went pretty well everyone did so good. The day went pretty fast and before I knew it I was on my way home to get ready for the girls.
  As I arrive home I see Harry's car so I go up the stairs into the house "Harry I'm home love" "In the kitchen he calls back" As I walk in the kitchen I see Harry cutting up oranges "so when are the girls going to be here?" "I'm a little bit the social worker said they just have to pick up Chloe from school and then they will be here."
"Okay well I'm going to take a quick shower." "Okay love.  After I finish my shower and get dressed and dryer off I go downstairs just in time to hear the doorbell go off.
"Lou they are here" "I know live I'm right here" I chuckle he goes to the door and I go to the kitchen to put the fruit in the living room.  From the front door I hear someone say your Harry styles and Harry laugh and say "yea I am are you a fan of one direction?" Then I hear footsteps coming to the living room.
"Mr poulston you know Harry styles?" "Well actually I'm Louis Tomlinson" they all gasp and look wide eyes before they can ask any more questions I hear the social worker get attention she explains everything and sign a few papers before she leaves.
     We ask them if they want to see their rooms and they shake their heads and they all love the rooms and then we all have dinner and relax and have them do their homework and then get them ready for bed.
Happy pride month I can't believe I forgot to say that last chapter note I know this chapter kinda seems rushed and it is but starting next chapter will be taking place 5 years later hope you enjoy goodbye for now loves

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