Chapter 11

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Louis wakes up from a little body crawling on his legs and then lays on his stomach. Louis opens his eyes and sees a lump under his blanket and lifts the blanket off him.
He sees James sleeping on him louis grabs his phone and sees it's 02:30 and sighs he closes his eyes and goes back to sleep cuddling James.
When Louis wakes up again James is watching Disney and laughing while laying down towards the foot of the bed. And Harry is not in the room. "Slugger where is daddy?" James looks up from the tv and looks at Louis "he had to take a phone call" Louis then gets up from the bed and goes to see where Harry went off too.
He goes downstairs to Harry's office and opens the door and sees Harry in there writing things down. "Babe who were you on the phone with?" Louis asks
Harry stops writing and looks at Louis "Simon we had a long talk"
Louis close his eyes and sighs "who the next beard?" Louis says with a frown Harry smiles. "No one he has agreed to let us come out". Louis smiles
"What about the kids?" Harry smiles again "Louis we can tell them everything and when we do we are not going to hold back"
Louis smiles and hugs Harry and then they kiss Louis starts to go down Harry neck with kisses and Harry moans and then the door opens fast "dad Darcy just took my laptop because she claims her is broken which we all know is a lie" lilth says as she walks in.
"Lil tell your sister if she does not give you that laptop back she is grounded and also missy you know the rules what if we were doing a live stream or something" Harry says lil frowns "sorry I'll knock next time" she then walks out
Louis and Harry then leave and Harry goes to get James and Louis goes to the kitchen. When Louis gets to the kitchen Rose has EarPods pro in listening to something and cooking French toast. Louis sighs and walks over to her and taps her on the shoulder.
She turns around and then takes her EarPods out "hey dad I'm just about done making French toast so all I need to do I juice some oranges." Louis smiles
And he goes to the drawer where the juicer is and takes out the oranges.
"Today after breakfast we are having a family dinner so no rushing off or going out" Rose looks up from where she is juicing the orange. "Did- is something wrong?" Rose ask Louis shakes his head no but before he can say anything all the kids come in and sit down. With Harry holding James on his hip talking about wanting a Nemo fish.
Harry puts James in his booster seat Rose and Louis serves everyone their food and Pour the juice into the cups. Everyone starts eating and talking "dad can I go out with jasper after breakfast?" Darcy asks Louis sighs "no we are having a family meeting and then a family day"
  "Okay I'll tell him no" Darcy responds they all finish eating and then clean up and put all the dishware and silverware in the dishwasher and turn it on.
     "Let's go into the family room" when they all sit down Harry puts James on his lap "so you guys know how we can never go out as a family and do things?" Harry says
   They all nod "well we have been given the okay to come out and announce everything" Louis says. The girls all look at each other and smile and all start talking at once.
  "Hey hey, one at a time please" Harry says "Rose your the oldest you go first" Louis says "does this mean paparazzi can follow us?" Harry sighs "yes it does it also means our management can make us do a pap walk"
  Rose looks confused "uh..what is that?" All the other girls nod their heads in agreement. "It means that we will have to go to a store or something so the paps can take pictures of us" Louis says. Rose frowns
   "Okay that's all my questions" rose says Harry looks down at James and sees he is sucking his thumb and Harry gently takes it out.
  "Darcy do you have a question?" Louis says "will we have to switch schools?" Harry sighs "mabye we don't know how the public will react or if they will find you" Harry says
   Some of the girls frown "anymore questions" Louis asks everyone shakes their heads no "can I get a fish papa?" Louis laughs
  "Who is papa" Louis asks "you" James says everyone laughs "how about a dog" Harry says the girls all squeal and get excited okay everyone you know the drill and everyone goes upstairs to get ready to go out for the day.
Thanks for reading this chapter see you guys next chapter bye for now loves

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