Chapter 9

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Louis alarm clock goes off at exactly 5:00 am he turns his alarm off and gets ready for the day just as he gets dressed he goes downstairs to get cereal milk and orange juice on the table.
   He goes upstairs to wake all the girls quietly so he doesn't wake up James after all the girls are up he goes into his and Harry's room and sees Harry is not in bed but on the balcony.
  "They want me to come into the studio today I forgot to tell you last night I can drop James off at daycare but your going to have to pick him up and take him with you with the guys unless you want ride and Darcy to watch both chole and James"
Louis sighs " what time you going in?" " not till half past 10" Louis hears a bang from the kitchen and a shout saying "Lilith your too loud!!!"
   "The daycare will be doing morning nap then I'll take James let me go pack a bag for him you can sleep some more I'll see you night"
Louis then leaves and goes into James room and grabs his daycare bag that is prepacked with clothes and everything. Louis picks James up and lays his head on his shoulder and walks down the stairs "Darcy can you grab James booster seat"
Darcy quickly stops eating and grabs his red cars theme booster seat that has straps on it. "Dad why is James up?" Rose ask  I sigh
  "Dad has to record this morning so I have to take James to daycare" Louis grab a plastic buzzlight year bowl cup and spoon and pour some honey nut Cheerios pour some milk and put orange juice in his cup while He does that rose  takes James from Louis arms and is putting James in his booster seat with him whining a bit.
"James enough sit down and eat you have to go to daycare today" James whines one more time before picking up his spoon and starting to eat louis soon sit down and pours himself  some cereal and start to eat.
  Rose soon gets up and rinse her bowl and cup and puts it in the dishwasher "dad want me to pack James lunch and snacks?"  Louis swallows "yes that would be amazing love" rose grabs the loaf of bread and puts some Mayo ham cheese and lettuce on break and cuts it ito four tiny half's then grabs some thin carrots and puts it into two separate sandwiches bags. Then grabs grapes and puts them into a sandwhich bag. She then takes a bag of crisps (chips) and puts it into his toy story lynch box she then grabs pretzels sticks and puts it into a sandwich bag and puts it into the lunch box and grabs two juice pouches and zips it up.
   She then puts it into his matching book bag she looks in his bag and frowns "dad where is coloring book" she ask looking up at Louis " I left it at the daycare" Louis replies
He then finish's and put everything in the dishwasher James is drinking his orange juice when he turns around "did everyone brush there teeth"everyone says no "well then go on we have to leave earlier today"
  Louis then grabs all of James dishware and puts it into the dishwasher " okay buddy let's get you dressed" Louis then picks up James and leaves the kitchen
   Louis dresses James in a pull-up and puts a long sleeve white shirt on and puts red Corduroys with the letter j on front then puts on socks with paw patrol on them and puts paw patrol sneakers on him.
    They then go into Harry and louis bathroom to brush their teeth just as they are done Harry walks in. "Look at my beautiful boy in red" jars reaches out to be held.
Harry picks him up and puts him on his hip "he's very quiet today" Harry says looking at Louis " i know I think he is still tired" Louis looks at his watch " James kiss daddy goodbye" James kisses Harry cheek Harry then sets James down on the floor.
     He then grabs Louis hand Harry raises a eyebrow at this and Louis mouths clingy. They then walk down stairs to see the girls waiting Louis grabs James coat and sips it up and then grabs his book bag and his kid tablet and headphones and then grabs the stuff he needs for work.
    Then unlocks the car all the girls get in and Louis puts his work stuff in the trunk and then lifts James into his car seat and straps him in. And puts his backpack down in the floor.
  "James do you want to listen to music in on your tablet or do you want to wait till later today?"  "Latr daddy" "okay baby" Louis then puts the tablet in his backpack he then closes the door and sets out for the daycare  " dad can I turn Disney radio on?" Chole ask  "sure love" chole then works the radio from the back seat.
   Louis then turns into the daycare and hops out of the car and gets James out of his car seat and grabs his bag. He puts the book bag on James back and then lifts James off the ground and onto his hip.
   As he walks in he sees Tiffany James teacher " hi James hi Lou are we going to spend the day together" James then starts crying Tiffany frowns
   "It's not your fault he's been clingy all morning" "James it's only for a little while then we have all evening together" "James don't you want to watch Sesame Street with Ryan" James stops crying and ask to be put down. Louis then takes his bag and coat off.
   And James runs off " I want him Down for the 10:00 and 2:30 nap" "of course" Tiffany says  I'll be here at 3:00 "do you want him up from his nap by then?" Louis thinks for a moment "no it's fine I can wake him when I get here" "okay we will see you then"
   Louis then hands her James coat and bag and then walk back outside to his car and the music is now off "what took so long?" Lilth ask "oh James didn't want to go" the girls nod Louis puts his seatbelt on and pulls out carefully.
     Louis drops chole off at her school first and then he drops rose off at her art school and then he drives himself and lilth and rose to school he drops them off through the parent loop and then goes to the teacher Parkin lot.
   Louis goes to the trunk and picks up his stuff when he hears "mr poulston" Louis rolls his eyes a beautiful women with blonde hair and grey eyes walks up to him "miss daffy how are you this morning" Louis says with a forced smile
   "Oh I'm just wonderful so why are you late today?" She says with a laugh as she flips her hair "oh my little one didn't want to go to daycare this morning" she hmmms "look I would love to stay around and chat but I have class" Louis says and walks into the schools building and rushes to unlock his classroom
" sorry I'm late guys" Louis says as he unlocks his door just as they get into the classroom the bell rings Louis opens his bag and passes out papers for the class to work on " you guys can just do this today and chat quietly I know your guys brains on vacation so I don't expect much from you today except to finish that and hand it in"
Louis first period went quickly and so did his second when his third period came along that was when he had a new students and he had to figure out where to put them. "Okay when I say your name step forward so I can put you in a seat lilth Tomlinson-styles" lil steps forward "front if your like you sister I want you upfront" Louis says with a smirk
"Oliver Bailey I want you next to Jeremiah in the middle jer raise your hand" Oliver walks over and sits down quietly "samual adams you must be last sit next to lilth" Louis says and then Louis goes and grabs the worksheet for today.
     After 20 more minutes the bell rings and everyone goes to lunch Louis has one more class before he finish as Louis is just eating lunch he hears a knock on the door
    "Come in" Darcy and lilth walk in " what can I do for you girls" " there is this late lunch at the book suite lore and we were wondering if we can have some money to go?" "Yea I'll send you guys some money after my last class,no's shoo"
Both of the girls leave the class giggling Louis finish his lunch and gets ready for his last lesson of the day. After Louis last lesson he just grades the papers during the last few classes and when the final bell rings he takes his phone out and sends 50 each to the girls.
Louis then packs up for the day and heads to pick up James. When Louis gets to the daycare he grabs his wallet so he can get James.
When Louis enters the building it's loud on the level he is on. Louis goes to the front desk and tells the woman his son should be at nap time "well then your child is on the third floor sir can I have your I.D to verify your aloud in". Louis hands over his I.D and then he waits and gets a vistor badge Louis then goes to the elevator and presses floor three.
Just as he presses the button his phone rings he sees it's Liam so he picks up. "Hey mate I'm not late am I?" "No I just wanted to make sure we are still meeting in about fifteen minutes" Louis sighs "yea but I need to have James with me" Liam let's put a breathe of relief "that's fine I'll see you soon" and then Liam hangs up Louis just realizes the doors to the elevator are open.
Louis goes up to another reception desk and says "I'm here to pick up James Tomlinson -styles my husband should of fixed the last name a week ago"
The receptionist laughs "yes he is currently sleeping someone will bring him and his things out" Louis stands and waits patiently and then the door opens and James walks out holding a yellow duck and a picture.
"He had a bit of a accident during play he wanted to play in the mud during find the fossils" Louis sighs "that's okay lucky he has spare clothes" Louis then picks James up and puts him on his hip.
He returns his badge and gets his I.D back Louis then walks out to his car and unlocks the door and puts James in his car seat and buckled him up
Louis then puts some Disney music on and drives to the cafe when louis pulls in he turns around to see James asleep again.
Louis gets out and goes to the trunk of his car and gets a stroller out he then puts it next to the car door he goes through James bag and sees he has his tablet fully charged along with grapes still so he puts the bag on the stroller bars and unbuckles James from his seat and puts him in the stroller.
He then straps him in and then make sure he has everything but realizes he forgot the duck inside the car and reaches in to grab it and then puts it in the stroller next to James and locks the door and heads to the coffee shop.
When Louis gets inside he goes in line when he gets to the counter he orders a Yorkshire with milk in it and a hot chocolate and cookie for James. And uses the names sass daddy
As he is waiting he sees Niall and Liam in a deep conversation he hears his order and then pays and then puts the cups on top of the stroller in the cup holders and holds onto the cookie.
"Hey guys" Louis says as he walks over to them
And sits down in a chair "hey Louis and James" "Niall shush he is asleep" Louis grabs his tea and and hot chocolate and cookie and sets it down on the table. "Louis how is normal life treating you" Liam ask Louis takes a sip of his tea "good even though people thought I died"
James starts waking up Louis sees this and turns toe stroller so it's facing him James looks up at Louis and then hugs his duck closer to him and stares at Louis "James it's impolite to stare at people even if I am your daddy"
" sorry daddy" Louis sighs "it's okay do you want your hot chocolate and cookie?" James looks at Louis before saying "yes please" Louis then grabs his hot chocolate and cookie and hands it to James.
James then starts his snack time "Louis we invited you here because we wanted to tell you something and ask0
Louis eyes widen "Liam final slept with zayn" Niall starts laughing " no Louis and that would never happen" Louis frowns but laughs and then looks at James who has finished his cookie and he s now just sipping on his drink.
"Hold on a second guys,James do you want to watch toy story?" James Eagerly nods his head Louis stands up and grabs the kid tablet and headphones and turns it on and sit down.
He has the movie tab open and puts toy story on and connects the headphones and puts them on James and puts the tablet on the tray part of the stroller.
Louis then looks at the guys "okay he's distracted" "we want to get the band back together" Louis looks at them and then his eyes widen "guys I can't just drop everything I'm married I have kids I have a job!"
Niall and Liam look at each other "Louis Simon and management sent us they are not asking"
"Daddy can I sit on your lap ese? Louis calms down "no James we are going home "tell them one condition Harry and I get to come out and announce are family"
Louis then grabs his empty cup and James garbage and throws it out and then leaves the cafe and puts James in the car and gets in and then drives home to talk to harry.
Hey guys thank you for reading and wow I think this is the longest chapter I have written on this book I hope you guys enjoyed it comment and vote and mabye give me a follow
Check out by other non one direction books 📚
-I may of pissed off a witch (teen wolf)
-the secret we discovered {book one}
-the secret of the deep deep ocean
Bye for now my loves 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊😊


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