Chapter 12

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January 5,2020

Louis and Harry wake up at 7am  to start getting ready for the day louis had to rush because his alarm didn't go off but the girls did so they were all ready. Once he gets downstairs he tell the girl to head out the door and they would grab something on the way.
         Once they get to school he hears whispers and the girls being stared at. "Shoot I forgot to tell you girls Harry posted about us late last night so the world may be a little crazy starting from now on.
      "Oh my god are they really thier kids?" "I knew I should of been friends with her before" Louis hears whispers as he walks down the hall. "That's enough move along I get it you guys have big news but doesn't mean you can just stop get to class now!"
    Louis yells at the students "okay girls go to class well not lil  you are heading with me but if anything happens come find me or go to the principal and I hate to say this but it looks like I need to send you girls to private school"
Then they all head off to class "sorry everyone that I'm late but it's been a crazy morning" everyone just stares at lillth "oh yea that's what I forgot you treat lillth like she was anyone else she can't control who her parents are" everyone nods and Louis starts to go over the scripts.
     By the end of the day Darcy and lillth look like they have had a rough and tiring day "uh how was it?" Louis says Darcy huffs and crosses her arms "I've been asked about you and dad since first period and none of the teachers said anything to stop it!!" Louis sighs "come on let's get home"
   Once they get home they all walk into the house and they see Harry coming down the stairs with a sleepy James on his hip. "Ooh did he not sleep?" Harry sighs.
   "I forgot to cover the stroller and a bunch of paps trying to take pictures woke him up" Louis sighs "doesn't anyone have the decency to leave a toddler alone!" Louis yells.
    "Oh I forgot we have a interview tomorrow on capital breakfast" Louis just sighs "the girls had a ruff day. and can you go pick up chole from school thanks."
  He then takes James from Harry and puts him on his hip asking if he wants some apples slices and walks into the kitchen Harry just smiles and watches Louis walk into the kitchen.
     Harry then grabs his keys and leaves to go grab chole from school. When he gets to the school he sees a bunch of paps waiting out of the school. "Shit who leaked the information"
    Harry then grabs sunglasses for himself and also a hat and Disney sunglasses for chole and heads into the school to pick her up earlier. "hey i would like to pick up my daughter early."  the reciponist looks up from whatever she was typeing on her computer and ask what her name is.           Harry smiles and looks at the women "chole tomlinson-style's the women types something on her computer "may i have your idenification card" harry nodds and pulls out his wallet and shows his card and the women nods her approval "is the headmaster in or free i would really like to talk to him concerning my daughter and her safety because as you can see outside someone told where she goes to school"                                                                                                                                                          she holds up her finger and calls and presses a number  "mr.styles is here and would like to talk to you about chole and the paparazz that are are swarming the outside right now. she listens to the headmaster  talking on the other side of the phone call. She hangs up the phone.                      she looks at harry and then speaks "He caleed the police and he said that we are upping are policies to keep her safe and that he is launching a investagation on who sold oiut chole to the papparazzi,"                                                                                                                                                                                                   harry nods his head and sits down in a chair as he waits for chole and after a few mintues chole comes in and smiles when she sees harry. "daddy I saw old videos of when you were a teenager today your hair use to be so curly." chole says  harry stands up and just laughs he then thanks the secertary and walks out of the office before they get to the door he puts the sunglasses on chole and grabs her hand.                                                                                                                                       "ok chole when we get out there,theres going to be alot of people yelling and asking a lot of questions and cameras flashing so its important that you kn ow do not answer or even look at them and never let go of daddys hand okay." chole nods her head they then walk out of the building and that is when chaos begins "harry how long have you been a dad!" "harry is louis a stay at bhome dad is that why he quit music?" and before harry could hear anymore he got chole in the car and got in his car started it up and drove offf without another word out pof them.                                                                                                                                                                                                        harry looks up at chole and sees she is giggling and harry  just smiles and chole and harry just talk about her day at school all the way back home.  When harry pulls into the drive way                                                                                                  When they get home they walk in chole goes to the kitchen for a snack just like every afternoon and harry goes to talk to louis he then tells him everything "someone just leaked the imformation i dont care what the school says we have to pull up contracts because if we dont they will never have a normal life if we dont and i dont think this is good. "  louis also has a worried expression on his face as he sqays this "louis whats wrong you seem on edge"
"It's Freddie Brianna was getting high while he was upstairs asleep" Louis says with a sigh Freddie was Harry and Louis surrogate child but Brianna refused I go through at the last minute.
"Lou we need to take her to court and get our baby back." Harry says with determination Louis looks up at Harry with a small smile and nods his head. "Yea we do" they then hug and head into the kitchen and just spend the rest of the night with the family.
     It's the next morning and everyone is rushing around the house to get ready for the day since Harry and Louis have to go on capital breakfast. "Come on everyone in the car" Harry yells out and they all head into the car.
      They drops all the kids off with a little fight from James who didn't want to leave daddy. Both Harry and Louis are finally driving to capital breakfast studio so they can do thier interview.
    When they walk into the studio they are met by Roman kemp "Lou!,harry!! I never thought the day would come but I've been hoping and now I can finally do the interview of the decade" Louis and Harry laugh at Roman jumping around like a little kid on a sugar high
      They then walk into the studio  and sit down next to each other. Roman then picks up his head set do does everyone else in the studio "hello and welcome to capital with your host Roman kemp and Sian welby and sonny jay."
      "You guys will not believe who we have in the studio with us we have Harry styles and Louis Tomlinson." Roman says "we will be interviewing them when we come back"
As a song plays Louis and Harry just hold hands and just wait for them to come back on the air "so guys when I came in today I was so excited because I finally get to do this interview"
  "Guys Roman was just going off about how could he help make a Larry memorial here in London" Sian says Louis and Harry just laugh "well our son already has it's called drawings" Harry says "so Louis you had completely disappeared from the public eye we all just want to know where have you been?" Roman asks with interest  "well I was in Switzerland for a while up in the alps and just alone and then I came back and Harry and I've went and foster the girls and then adopted and then got married a year later and got James I've been living what I would like to call a secret life but I'm not telling you doing what"
     They all look at Louis "is it illegal?" Louis just laughs and shakes his head "no it's legal and a normal job that no one would suspect" they except that answer
  They have finished the interview and went to the daycare and pickup James and went and relaxed before the girls came home from school.
Sorry I've been gone for a long while but life took a huge turn for me I moved and I also got a job and also have school so I'm busy now I don't have a lot of time but I'll try to upload as soon as I can.

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