Chapter Five

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Shikadai found himself more excited today than he's been in the entirety of his life. Not even his annoying mother could ruin his mood completely. But she was still seemingly trying to. It was currently noon on a Saturday and Shikadai hasn't even been awake for two hours yet. He'd still probably be asleep if his mother didn't barge into his room and force him awake. Ever since then, she's been on and off bitching at him. Shikadai isn't even sure what she's specifically bitching about because he hasn't been listening but he's convinced his mother just yells to yell.

They were currently in his bedroom again, standing toe to toe with each other. At 17, Shikadai now stood over his mother in height, and yet she was still so intimidating. Shikadai was too pissed off to feel terrorized right now though.

"I'm leaving," Shikadai speaks up, cutting his mother off midsentence. She seemed shocked but she really shouldn't have. Temari knows Shikadai thinks she's being too harsh but she's only looking out for her son. She wants him to do well in life and not run around like a delinquent like his little friends. She knows he doesn't see it that way though. Shikadai would probably never see it that way, not until he has kids of his own. Which will probably never happen, especially not with his overbearing mother. 

Shikadai quickly throws his hoodie on before grabbing his phone and pushing past his mom. He didn't even look back as he left the room, slamming the door and leaving his mom standing annoyed in the bedroom. He ignored the glance from his dad and instead leaves the house completely. The heat practically attacked his body and face and he isn't too sure why he even put his hoodie on. It had to have been at least 75 degrees. 

Shikadai just tolerated it, heading into whatever direction his feet took him. It didn't take long to reach what his brain had in mind because he found himself closing in on the flower shop. The blonde boy was standing there and Shikadai could feel his heart speed up. He had it in his head that he was gonna introduce himself the next time he saw him but he quickly realized Inojin wasn't alone. 

Kawaki was standing there and he looked a little too happy. And not the good kind either. He almost looked sadistic with the smile that was plastered on his face. It gave Shikadai a very bad feeling in his stomach. His legs seemed to move on his own as he headed over to the two teens. He had only one thought in his mind and for some reason, it was to protect this blonde boy. 

When Shikadai finally made it over to the two, his legs felt like jelly and anxiety was definitely creeping in. Kawaki was finishing his sentence, something about how pathetic the blonde boy looks. It made anger bubble in Shikadai's stomach and he found himself speaking up before his mind could even process it. 

"Leave him alone, Kawaki." Shikadai snaps, making the two boys turn towards him. The blonde looked confused, his head tilted to the side and that was definitely the cutest he's looked so far. The way the sun was shining on him made his skin glow, his long blonde hair pulled back into a loose braid. Shikadai could see yellow flowers intertwined through the strands and he thought it was adorable. Kawaki seemed to disagree though. 

"And why would I do that?" Kawaki asks, his hand running through his hair. He no longer had a smile on his face, his expression replaced by a scowl. It was as if Shikadai had spit on him. 

"Because I said," Shikadai says, standing in front of the he in question. The blonde backed up a little, to give Shikadai space but it didn't matter because he stayed where he was, right in Kawaki's face. Despite how bad his heart was beating, so loud he could hear it, he wasn't going to back down. Especially not when he needed to make a good first impression. 

"You seem to wanna be the Knight In Shining Armour so bad but now you fucked up. I'm gonna make his life even worse. So congratulations, Shikadai." Kawaki's words were taunting and Shikadai knew he shouldn't stoop to his level but he wasn't really ever a quick thinker. So instead of backing down, he swings at Kawaki. The two-toned boy stumbles back when his fist connects to his jaw but that was all he did. He didn't fall or pass out or anything and Shikadai found himself cursing all those fighting movies that showed the hero knocking someone out with one punch. Shikadai was a realist though and this wasn't a movie and he wasn't a hero. If anything, right now he was the fool who embarrasses himself in front of the love interest. Not that Shikadai would consider the blonde his love interest or anything. 

Shikadai didn't have any more time to think because Kawaki was grabbing him by his hoodie collar, slamming him against the wall of the flower shop. Shikadai grunts out when his back hits the brick, his breath hitching in his throat. Everything happened so quickly that Shikadai barely misses the fist coming to his face. Barely

The Nara manages to kick Kawaki in the shin, the movement seeming to surprise the bully, who drops the teen. It was a lost cause because Kawaki just does it again, this time his fist actually connecting. Shikadai was the one to fall, of course, he was the one to fall, and he grimaced as he landed onto the sidewalk. Everything seemed to go into slow motion, his eyesight blurry and his hearing disfigured. He's never been punched in the face before but he never wants it to happen again. 

Shikadai felt the blood drip from his nose before he could see it. He really hoped it wasn't broken. By the time he gained his eyesight back, Kawaki was gone and instead, Inojin was kneeling beside him. He seemed concerned and Shikadai practically melted at the warm hand on his bicep, seemingly trying to steady him. 

"Hey flower boy," Shikadai says weakly, getting the blonde's attention quickly. Inojin breaks contact with him and he almost wished he had stayed silent.

"What's your name?" Shikadai asks, coolly and he knew he looked ridiculous. The blood was already drying on his face and he was sure something was swelled up. Inojin found it humorous, a small giggle leaving his lips. 

"Inojin." The blonde says, confidently. Inojin. No more blonde boy or flower boy. Shikadai now had a pretty name to put to a pretty face.

"I like that name," Shikadai says, before smiling, his tongue resting between his teeth. He could taste the blood. 

When Inojin practically beamed at him, Shikadai tried his best to act cool but inside his chest felt like it was about to explode. He blamed his freaking mother for putting the thought of romance into his head.

Shikadai stared at the boy in silence, hoping he would say something. After about a minute of awkward silence, Shikadai opens his mouth to speak up. He didn't get the chance to talk though. Before he could get anything out, Inojin was already standing up. He turned on his heel and walked back into the flower shop. What a great first impression. 

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