Chapter Eight

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Go to the bowling alley with me. Tomorrow at 8. Go to the bowling alley with me. Tomorrow at 8. Why the fuck would Shikadai say that? Why did he say anything at all? Is this a date? A hangout? What does Inojin think this event is going to be? That's a big deal. And Shikadai was well aware of how important that was. His stomach had been upset and anxious all day that he had to end up leaving class before the end of first block. He didn't see Inojin and it seemed like both a blessing and a curse. 

Shikadai's parents didn't question why he was home so early and for that he was thankful. Between having an internal crisis about whether this is a date or not and deciding what outfit to wear for this not date, Shikadai wasn't having a good time. It was just bowling so it's not really like he needs to dress fancy but just showing up in a hoodie and jeans doesn't sit well with him. It would be easier if he knew what Inojin was wearing. 

After having another 20-minute mini-crisis, Shikadai just decided on the hoodie and sweatshirt, throwing his hair up in his signature style, another thing he was debating. He really didn't want to pretend to be someone else for this event so he wanted to be dressed as how he is daily and he definitely didn't want to be a try-hard. 

Shikadai wished he had that thought earlier because he was almost running late. It was already 7:55 and the flower shop was 7 minutes walking. He'd ask one of his parents to drive him but that's a lot of questions he wants to avoid. 

Despite not wanting to waste any more time, Shikadai spent at least a minute double-checking his outfit to make sure it was up to standards before shoving himself out of the house. He basically jogged to the flower shop, trying to control his breathing as soon as it was in sight. He didn't see Inojin at first and hoped the blonde didn't think Shikadai stood him up. He was only four minutes late. 

His heart basically beat out of his chest when he noticed the blonde standing there. Shikadai really wished he knew what Inojin was wearing earlier because seeing him now made the brunette almost choke on his spit. The blonde was just wearing a simple yellow crop top and light jeans that were rolled up at the bottom and yet Shikadai suddenly found his mouth going dry. He was pretty. Shikadai had already known that but it was really illuminated under the moonlight. Shikadai tried to keep his vision at eye level but he kept flashing them back down to Inojin's bare skin. He wanted to wrap his hands around the petite waist, for reasons more than one. It definitely wasn't heterosexual to think that about another man. 

Inojin turns to Shikadai and his face lights up when he notices the brunette and Shikadai felt his knees go out. Yeah, he had it bad. 

"Glad you could make it, Nara," Inojin speaks up, a grin on his face. Shikadai finds himself grinning and he suddenly understood what it meant to brighten someone's whole day because all his worries seemed to disappear right there. Shikadai wasn't going to indicate that though, No, he didn't want to seem corny in front of Inojin. Instead, he just shoots back a smart remark, a smirk on his face. 

"I wouldn't miss this. I'm a God at bowling." The blonde wasn't fazed by the confidence, instead he just giggles, his head tilted to the side as he practically admired Shikadai. The brunette almost felt uncomfortable under the gaze. 

"And you're still gonna lose to me. Shame." Inojin states, shooting back his own smirk before he turns and walks. Shikadai huffs before catching up with the blonde. Tonight was gonna be a long night.

AN: Oh my god this chapter was so short I'm so sorry like this story is moving so slow and I apologize but I'm trying to figure out where to go with it and I'm not sure if I wanna include smut or not. Not to mention, I've been trying to convince myself not to start another Shikajin fic I know I won't finish. 

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