She's drowning in her thoughts.
Thinking of life, school, friends, family she doesn't have.
She lost her family 15 years ago.
She hasn't had the love and caring feelings from them likenshe have.
But she gets that from her friends.
She really feels like they care about her and dont want anything to happen to her.
School's been good, it's gotten her away from that prison a few hours every weekday.
There she can be herself most of the time.
Not the girl with the pastered on smile and fake laugh.
But the girl that makes her friends laugh and smile all the time.
Her life?
Let's just say that if she hadn't had the friends she has now...
She wouldn't be able to sit here and talk about this stuff.
She would be 6 feet under two years ago with cuts all over her body from herself.

These scars remind us that the past is real...
RandomThese are just some random stuff that I will write. Most of it will be about how I've been feeling lately and if you can relate to these cool beans if not no hate please because I don't think I can take the pain for much longer...I'll be writing unt...