Behind my smile is everything you'll never understand.
And it hurts just like Hell.
I'm sick and tires of trying to hide the mess I am.
Nothing hurts us like the things we don't say.
If you could read my mind you'd be in tears.
"It's all in your head." Fuck up.
Fuck this shit.
Did you check her thighs?
We all get addicted to something that takes away the pain.
"Some times you gotta fall before you fly."
Self-harm is addicting. You cut because you're angry, depressed, frustrated, sad, desperate. But then you start cutting even with out a reason. You only want to feel the pain, see the blood, to have a scar.
You see cutters don't cut for attention. They cut because they have an addiction.
I push people away when all I really want is someone to hug me and tell me its okay.
"Is this what you call a family?"
Don't worry about breaking me or making me sad, because you can't break something that's already broken and sadden someone who is already sad.
When I first heard people cut, I thought it was strange, and I didn't know how people could harm on themselves like that. Then I picked up the blade. I get it now.
I keep so much inside.
She took each pill to escape what her life has become until she became numb.
I want to sleep until I feel better.
A smile on her lip and cuts on her hip.
Hypophrenio: A feeling of sadness seemingly without a cause.
I can't say how I feel.
Stupid, Ugly, Loser, Freak, Emo, Slut, Bitch, Fake, Fat, Not Enough, Attention Whore.
Yeah she's smiling but don't let that fool you. Look into her eyes, She's breaking inside.
Sometimes I feel like I'm losing everyone, but in reality I'm just losing myself.
"I will try to be PERFECT, but I wont try to be Fake!"
"You turned into a pretty big waste of my time."
Sometimes all a girl wants is for you to fight for her and make her believe that you want this relationship more then she does.
My biggest mistake wasn't falling for you, it was thinking you had fallen for me too.
It's funny how when I'm loud people tell me to be quiet, but when I'm quiet people ask me what's wrong with me.
I'd rather hear "I don't like you" instead of being ignored.
I'm that quiet girl who is absolutely insane with her friends.
Every girl wants a guy who she can run up to with her hair a mess, no make up, and the first thing you say is "I love you."
When a woman no longer get frustrated and upset with you, you can almost guarantee that she doesn't care anymore.
I don't care how bad we fall off...if you hit me up and you need me, I will not turn my back on you... that's real shit.
The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who use to love you.
Sometimes I'm so shy even my hands don't want to be seen.
Fall deeper and deeper; the sirens are singing your song.
"I'm tired and I'm lost and don't wanna be found, I put my heart and my soul and strength in this now."
I never thought I would be "The Girl With The Scars"
You don't know pain until you're staring at yourself in the mirror with tears streaming down your face and you're begging yourself just to hold on and be strong. That is Pain.

These scars remind us that the past is real...
SonstigesThese are just some random stuff that I will write. Most of it will be about how I've been feeling lately and if you can relate to these cool beans if not no hate please because I don't think I can take the pain for much longer...I'll be writing unt...