Holy Purge

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Tucked away amongst the Rocky mountains in Montana; a sleepy village, populated by people wearing white lace robes, slowly awoke as the sun peeked its face above the craggy hills. The populace was already bustling about completing morning chores, happily greeting each other and initiating pleasant conversations to pass the time easier. As the day wore on, the people slowly filtered into a long squat building, basically a single room lecture hall. When the last person had entered, the valley was finally quiet once more.

After a time, they slowly filtered out and resumed their chores. The day wore on and the people sluggishly completed their daily activities and gathered around a bon-fire. Light conversations were exchanged and the general air was one of community and mutual respect, and eventually they all dispersed to their communal dwellings, leading the odd village silent once again.

With the dawn of the next day the people again emerged to complete their chores, but the presence of a man in a deep purple robe standing at the entrance of the Lecture Hall drew their attention. They gathered there instead, forgetting their important daily duties.

"My children!" He addressed the valley's inhabitants. "I have returned from my vision quest with a blessing from the Almighty! I have been given a great Power! The power to overthrow this greedy, Tyrannical government that has driven this great and powerful country we abide in to its knees! Just two weeks ago a man devastated New York City's Manhattan island with a blast of energy that can not be explained by this worlds scientific community. The reason being because it was the Almighty that gave him his powerful gift!"

He pulled three newspapers out of one of the many folds of his robe and handed them to the villager closest to him and instructed him to read it and pass it on. As the content filtered through the crowd they marveled at the headlines. The first was about the mysterious attack on Manhattan, the second was a mysterious nuclear detonation in the center of the Mojave desert. No government or organization had laid claim to it at the time of the headline, but the man in purple made it clear he was the cause. The third was dated only two days after the nuclear "test" and was another nuclear detonation that wiped out Las Vegas.

When everyone was satisfied with the the newspapers, they all turned to the man that they so obviously revered. He opened his arms as if to embrace them all, and spoke. "I have also been blessed with the ability to give my own power to you. So come! Partake of the blessings of the Almighty!" The people slowly filtered by and he lightly touched them, then gave each one an envelope.

"These envelopes I've given you contain plane tickets for you with a destination that is meant for you to purge of the unholy people and governments that have destroyed this once pure world. Now go my children; and know you are doing the work of the Almighty as he has instructed me to." When the last follower had past and received their target; a dozen large vans that had been parked in a nearby field were filled and drove off at full capacity, leaving the valley once and for all empty; save the leader.

He looked at all he had built. The lies he sowed and the people he manipulated to accomplish the absurdity of it all. After the brief moment he smiled. The air around him started shimmering with a sourceless heat and the building's porch started decaying underneath him so he strolled out into the center of the village, opened his arms out wide and let the energy release. With a flash, he was engulfed in a ball of fire which expanded and rose upward, consuming the tinder that were the meager buildings. The mushroom cloud rose high above the mountains and the followers that were boarding their flights looked back in awe. Determination filled their hearts as they embarked on their disturbing and fanatical mission of a Holy Purge.

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