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The early morning sun peeked through the tall shimmering glass buildings in Manhattan as the millions of people went about there business. Cars idled at stoplights, waiting for the pedestrians to shuffle by. Honking soon filled the air, as a lone hooded figure took a deliberate step out from the throngs of people and made his way past the stopped vehicles.

He lifted his hands and stood on the line separating the lanes. Any birds close by took off amidst the rising din as more and more people started laying on their horns. All of a sudden, he started floating. Silence overtook the once noisy streets as the only thing that could be heard were distant sirens and angrily barking dogs.

Before anyone could react further the figure released a concussive blast. Cars were blown through the street like leaves in a gust of wind. People were thrown even more violently and most were crushed by cars or shredded by anything that might have been loosely lying around. The tinkling of falling glass was the only sound after the horrendous screeching of metal on metal and car alarms died.

The eerie silence that fell as he surveyed his handiwork was faded by distant Police and Fire sirens. Ambulances were most likely included, but they would be useless as anyone in a forty meter radius was most likely vaporized or crushed and beyond that mangled or burned.

The gruesome surroundings didnt bother the man in the slightest as he returned his hands to his pockets. He sluggishly picked his way through the carnage and disappeared into crowds that were slowly gathering outside the affected area.

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