Above It All

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My hand gripped the doorknob loosely. I could feel my heartbeat quicken and the palm of my hand slick with sweat slipped before it gained purchase and opened the door. The myriad of smells, not all of which are pleasant, greeted me before I even set foot over the threshold of the my current residence. Taking a deep breath, I willed myself into the house. As soon as my foot touched the hardwood floor, my foster mother screamed from the kitchen. "Ian! Is that you?" When I didn't answer she yelled again. I had already made my way halfway up the stairs before she even poked her head out of the kitchen.

I picked up the pace and swung the door closed as she made it to the bottom of the staircase. "Ian, come downstairs right now!" her muffled voice pleaded from the foot of the stairs. Just one quiet day to myself is all I ask, but until I turn 18; I don't see that happening. Seventeen came and went two months ago, and ten months seems like a lifetime when you are continuously shuttled around to find "the perfect fit". The conundrum is; I still remember my first three families like it happened yesterday. I collapsed on my bottom bunk and lapsed into a day dream.

"What are you thinking about?" My roommate Harvey's shaggy brown mop of hair appeared over the edge of the bed. His warm, brown eyes locked with mine. "You look like you've been given a concussion."

"Nothing you would care about." I sat up, holding his gaze. Despite being almost two years his senior, he had a curious air of maturity. That made him all the more attractive. I could feel myself getting lost so I flicked my eyes down to break the spell.

"Maybe you'd share if I let you have some of this." A small rustling sound produced an opaque bag next to his beaming face. "Got some fresh good stuff earlier this week. Mom had no idea." He flopped himself off the bed, somehow landing on his feet, and grabbed my hand. "Let's get High." He whispered.

Before I could protest he was tugging me along like a runaway dog would a small child. he picked up a bong stashed behind a loose wall board, and swiped a board with his foot below the window sending it shooting open with a soft 'phoof'. The slight slope on the roof provided a pseudo-deck to spend some free time lounging on; if you didn't mind getting eaten alive by mosquitos. Thankfully, the mosquitoes decided to take the night off. The setting sun sent streaks of color cutting through the clouds, it always takes my breath away. More so than the pot. After two hits the colors started blending into beautiful kaleidoscopes so I closed my eyes and gave in to the warm summer night.

Harvey and I talked for a little bit, learning some new things about each other we didn't outright tell when I first got put in the home. The only stuff weed would convince you to tell your not brother who's acted more like a best friend than any previous friends I had. Just as the sun set the sky into deep red, we found ourselves staring at each other, laying almost face to face on the asphalt roof tiles. He had his eyes closed with a small smile playing across his lips so I closed my eyes. As everything else felt wrong, this felt right. Just being close to him, and maybe the weed didn't hurt. The rough feeling from the roofing transformed into a soft cushion that enveloped me, making it a little hard to breath at the same time, but not in a bad way. As if there was too much oxygen for me to breath.

"Ian?" I smiled when he said my name. "Ian!" This time he sounded panicked. My eyes flew open to find both him and I floating an inch off the roof. Our hands had somehow found there way to each other, and he let go of me like I was hot pan that might burn him. "W.T.F!" His voice cracked as he smacked back onto the roof. With a pained groan he sat up and I found myself back on the roof. I sat up as well.

"I don't know what that was." I started, trying to reassure him. "I think the weed might be..."

He scooted close and grabbed my hands, cutting me off with a finger to my lips. "There is nothing wrong with the weed, Ian! And there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You have powers!" His soft brown, slightly red tinted, eyes held me in a trance.

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