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Ken stood on the pier, overlooking the ocean. His hair, the color of dust, was swaying softly in the salty air. 'This would do nicely', he thought. He leaned on the creaking wood railing, the paint flaking to reveal other colors below. The cool breeze gave his leather jacket a tug, making him draw it closer. Taking one last look, he disappeared in a puff of ashy smoke. Miles away just outside a darkness swathed Police department impound. Crouching beside the chainlink fence, he surveyed the lot. In the center of a jumble of crisscrossed cars sat a gleaming Hummer.

He pulled out a magnifying monocle and zeroed in on the guard box. He was quietly snoring. With a puff Ken appeared in the small booth, moving as slowly as humanly possible, he reached for the keys hanging in a recessed cork board. Snatching up the Hummer keys, He once more vanished in a puff of smoke. Erupting from his cloud of ether, he sat comfortably in the front seat of the Hummer. With a grin, he shoved the key in the ignition and the beast rumbled to life with a turn. "This will do wonderfully." He said, shifting to drive. The car started rolling forward, with nowhere to go but a blue Honda Civic blocking the path.

The guard, having been awoken by the Hummer's engine, exited his little hut in time for the Hummer to dissolve into a fine ashy mist. Miles away the Hummer reappeared in a garage, rolling to a halt. Chuckling to himself, he exited the vehicle and entered the house to rest. When morning came along, he took his new car to work. On his way he noticed a little blue Prius race by. Cruising down the interstate at speed, a large black Ford suddenly appeared on his tail. Leaving almost no room in between, Ken began to get annoyed. Not two minutes later, the Ford F-150 barreled by, and Ken watched as he flipped him off for not going fast enough.

Ken laughed at that in a maniacal way as he watched the beast of a truck disappear down the interstate. "We're the same size buddy." He said to the driver that couldn't even hear him. "That means you lose." The Hummer appeared beside the truck which was now almost on top of the Prius he had been passed by earlier. The driver looked in angered confusion as he has been about to race around the Prius, and almost cause an accident. Ken thought it was a good thing the interstate was a straight stretch for the next couple miles, as he rolled down his window to do something reckless. The reckless driver of the Ford chickened out of sideswiping him, which was what Ken was looking for. Ken locked the wheel in place and leaned out the window, his palm coming to rest on the passenger window. The guy started to roll down the window and a sting of curses flowed out against the howling of the ninety MPH they were cruising at.

With a sadistic smile, the surroundings changed. All of a sudden, much to the now panicked driver's surprise, they were flying through the air out over the edge of a pier and into the lazily waiting ocean. Only moments before the truck impacted the surface, Ken flipped off the guy and puffed back to the Hummer on the interstate. 'Maybe that might teach the bastard to not drive like a dick.' Ken thought to himself as he pulled into work ten minutes later.

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