Part 25 this is so ironic

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I was sitting in our room thinking about what I have done and then I heard a knock and it was my dad

J- you can come in dad

FP- jug you know i will support you with whatever college you choose but can i ask something else

J- yeah

FP- is it really truth that you dont want to go yale bcoz of betty

J- no its no that i really want to go yale its just that i wasn't expecting that i would get in and

FP- and

J- i thought what if betty wants to break up when we are in college together

then he started laughing

FP- are you kidding me boy

FP- that girl almost sacrificed her life to save yours and I know that you did same for her when the ghoulies threated you

FP- just go and talk to her

J- I dont know dad I said some things to her that I didn't mean and that really hurt her

FP- well just sitting here and thinking wont help either

J- you are right I m gonna go and find her and talk to her

then i got ready and left the house


after I left house I just kept walking and went to tree house that we have built when we were kids with help of mr Andrews in fox forest near sweet water river when I finally climbed up and sat there it brought back many memories . when jug and I started dating we had many dates many surprise dates he planned for us even with all the insane things going in our town

while I was thinking about all of this I heard footsteps climbing the wooden stairs and then I saw jug with a lot of sweat on his forehead


after searching almost whole town I didn't found betty anywhere I even searched pops and bunker I tried calling her she have switched it off

but then I remembered the tree house near sweet water river it is the only place left



I climbed the ladder the my lovely blonde girlfriend sitting there and crying and then she looked at me with tears in her eyes

B- jug

she said and just hugged me

B- I m sorry I should have understood and tried to give you time

J- no no betts I should have talked to you earlier

then before she tried to speak anything I started talking

J- please just listen to me betty

then we sat down

J- I m so sorry about what I said to you I didn't meant it

B- its ok jug I know you didn't

J- but I still hurt you

B- jug its ok if you decide to go to iowa it was our plan from starting

J- no its not that I wanted time or I want to go to iowa

J- its that

B- what is it jug

she asked me with a worried look

J- I was afraid what if we go college together and in sometime you get bored of me or leave me

B- jug

J- and I didn't think that bcoz of what happened in last few weeks but bcoz you know how my mom left me and I was rejected throughout my whole life

J- and I m so so sorry about what I said I really didn't meant any of it I just said in heat of moment

B- jughead jones when are you gonna understand that I love you so much and I m never gonna leave you no matter where we go and even if we go to different colleges I m not gonna leave you or get bored of you

she said while caressing my cheek

J- I love you so much betty cooper

I said and kissed her

B- but jug why didn't tell me earlier about how you felt

J- I dont know I just saw that how happy and excited you were about us going to yale together so I didn't wanted to ruin it and I also wasn't sure if I would get in

B- jug I love how much you care about my happiness but I dont want that if you are not happy and uncomfortable doing it

J- no no betts I m happy when I m with you

J- and that is why I have decided that we are going to yale together

B- jug are you sure I dont want you to go just bcoz of me

J- no I m going bcoz of us and besides that it is one of the best colleges for writing

B- ok

betty said and kissed me

B- you know this is so ironic

J- what is

B- even when are lives were so insane with Jason blossom blackhood and everything else we still somehow used to come here and now that we have a bit sane lives we stopped coming here

J- I know and its my fault

B- no jug dont say that

J- do you want to go home

B- lets just stay here for a few more minutes

J- ok

she just rested her head on my shoulder and I kissed her forehead


after staying at treehouse for few more minutes we came back home in evening and my mom and jugs dad was sitting in living room waiting for us

FP- is everything ok

B- everything is great

I said looking at jug and he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead

AL- so when do you guys want to have dinner

B- actually jug and I were thinking about going to pops to celebrate that

J- I have decided to go to yale with betty

FP- that's a great idea

then all of us went to pops and had many burgers and milkshakes

only a few parts are left of this book

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