part 4- still care about each other

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after asking Cheryl where betty is jughead made his way to blue and gold and knocked the door

J - Hey

B - oh hey

J - I actually wanted to talk about something

B - yeah sure

before he could say anything he saw her hand with a bandage wrapped around her wrist

J - what happened I asked pointing at her wrist

B - oh yeah that I got a little hurt while getting out of crowd that was around my locker

J - oh yeah sorry I heard about it I said

J- you didn't deserve that

B - may be I deserve it after what I did

she said looking down

B - uh you wanted to talk about something

J - yeah I think I am not gonna work at blue and gold anymore

B - jughead why

J - I think we both know reason betty

B - I know but you deserve to be here more than me so I will leave blue and gold

J - no betty you worked hard from starting of sophomore year to first to open it and then you worked here so hard here for getting into college

B - you worked hard too here to through out all these years and mostly for solving all those mysteries

betty said a bit laughing

J - yeah we both did

there was a silence between both of them for a minute

then jughead spoke

J - how about we both work here just like two classmates

B - yeah that will be good

J - deal

B - deal

even though both of them were heartbroken but still cared about each other

J - and betty you didn't deserve what happened at your locker

J - and alice said that you should call her she is getting worried

B - I will

B - jughead did you got letter that I left

J - yeah and I still do feel bad about what I did that day I shouldn't have

before betty could say anything they heard the bell

skip a few days


jug and I started in working blue and gold together on some articles and some times on the mysterious voyeur it becomes awkward sometimes bcoz of everything but we manage to work together somehow

he was working on his laptop on something and I was standing and looking at the board at which we have made for all the clues we collect from the tapes

B - hey jug

J - yeah

B - have you heard from Charles

J - no

J - he didn't even come home anymore your mom tries to contact him but he doesn't pick up

B - yeah I have also tried to contact him to go to his office but he is never there

J - that is strange

J - since when we haven't talked to him

B - I dont know

J - why are you asking

B - I am thinking about the pattern of tapes

he got up and stood next to me and started looking at board

J - what do you mean

B - just look at this the first time we got tapes it was of our houses and then the pattern was broken by sending the copy cat tapes of what ever crimes that have happened and affected everyone like

J - Jason blossom death

B - and when you almost got killed by preppies

J - wait a minute betty he didn't send all the tapes

he said looking at board and then I remembered

J - he didn't send tapes

B - Of the blackhood attacking

B - and Penelope killing my dad

I said sighing and looking down

J - sorry betty I didn't wanted to bring that up in such a way

B - its ok you are just trying to see for clues

B - but why break pattern again he could have kept sending those

J - but he sent tape of the my story that I wrote for my college and then

B - sending not a copycat but a real incident tape about which no one knew


there was silence in the room for a minute when jughead decided to break it

J - betty about that were you ever gonna tell me

B - yes I was gonna tell you and veronica on same day before the tape came

B - you have to believe me I almost told you when I said something have happened between me and archie

J - how am I supposed to believe the girl who cheated on me with my bestfriend

he said shouting

B - oh really how am I suppose to believe you are sorry for literally hitting and slapping me infront of our friends

both of them knew they regretted what they have said


B - I m so sorry I didn't mean it

he suddenly kissed her to in order to shut her up

and then she left the blue and gold but only if jughead would have known what was about to happen to her he would have never let her leave

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