part 28 Anything for you

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I woke up and saw that jugs side was empty and then saw the time it was already 8 am

oh my god how can I sleep till so late

J- good my morning princess

J- and before you ask I already took permission from your mom to take off from school today

he said and was holding a whole decorated breakfast tray

B- ok

I said and kissed him and then he sat down

B- well who would have thought jughead jones would get up so early for her girlfriend

J- anything for you

he said kissing my cheek

J- ok now lets eat

then we had breakfast

B - so what do you want to do today

J- anything you want to do

B- anything

I said giving a puppy face

B- ok first movie at bijous then when we come home we do some baking and then dinner at pops

J- ok

B- is jughead jones saying yes to baking

J- yes he is

B- how did the badass serpent king go into cute jug

J- well cute juggie is for only betty cooper

he said and kissed me

and it turned out into a make out session and in a few minutes we finally got ready


after we got ready we left for bijous and after watching movie and a double feature we went to grocery shopping for some baking that betty wanted


Betty went to change into more comfy clothes and took out all the things we needed for baking

J- so what do you wanna make

B- cookies

J- what flavour

B and J - chocolate chip cookies

we both said laughing together

and then after putting them in oven I just kept looking at her

B- what is it

J- nothing it just feels nice seeing you happy

and she kissed me and said

B- just because of you

and then I thought of having fun

J- oh wait you have some flour

I said and put some flour on her nose

B- oh no you didn't

she said and grabbed a hand full of flour and poured it on my head

J- oh no cooper you are on

I said and poured some more flour and chocolate chipps and other spinkling on her hair

B- jug I just washed my head today

J- that what you get cooper

and then she smashed eggs on my hair and I grabbed her by her waist and a poured water on her

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