Ace stood silent, still lowering his head. Zenil and Kai turned back to Ace, widened their eyes with shock. "Ace! What's the meaning of this?" Zenil asked, narrowing his eyes with rage. "Ace? What are you trying to hide? Why is your mentor here? Ace?" Kai questioned him, feeling as if he got blackmailed. Ace remains silent again, refusing to answer until his mentor says, "Ace, remember what your goal is. Where is the crystal seal?," he grinned. Kai and Zenil were both confused and angry at the same time. Ace? Is he trying to hide something? . "Ace? What are you-" before Kai could finish his words, Ace ran towards Kai and quickly took the crystal from Kai's hand.
Kai left silence as he glanced at running Ace to Aki. Ace glared at them with eyes narrowed. "Here is the crystal, sir. Thankfully, they are quite useful for this," Ace snarled, giving Aki the crystal which made Aki laugh hysterically. Useful? Does that mean Ace had been using them this whole time? Their friendship is a lie? "Good job, my apprentice," grinned Aki as he held the crystal. "You finally fell into our traps, Stane and Feathers!" Aki laughed with satisfaction in his eyes. "Ace had been using you two for this and it succeeded! Goodness you all are so innocent!" Aki added.
"Ace! How dare you use us for information? Using us only to get the crystal and act innocently? Is this what you want? Why do we even- Ace, why? You can't be the one who released them-" Zenil raised his voice loudly, tears started to run down from his crystal eyes. Just before Zenil could continue his rage, Ace cut in his words. Glaring angrily at Zenil and Kai, he raised his voice even louder, "You fool! You all fools! Yes, my mentor and I are the one who released the Likowns!" yelled Ace. "You are very useful ya know. Now, I can finally destroy the crystal so that you all will live in so much pain!"
Kai and Zenil were furious and shocked by this. How could a great and funny friend turn against them? "Traitor! Liar! I knew it! Aki Howl is the one who stole those books from the library," Kai shouted as he took his blades out. "Oh my, you must have realized it. Thankfully, Queen Yuna was easily defeated by me. Ace, your tools are getting angry and angry. How pitiful," yawned Aki as he held the crystal somehow giving a command. How about Custodia? Brooklyn or Nalia? thought Kai as he and Zenil stayed close.
"My apprentice, finished those tools at once! Finished them," Aki ordered Ace. Ace understood his command and leaped down, taking his sword. Zenil and Kai prepared themselves, Kai taking his blades and Zenil taking his bow and arrow. "I guess it's just you two and I. If you want to save the crystal, do pass me!" Ace challenged, giving them a scornful face. Zenil and Kai felt that they could not fight their best friend, it sounds so wrong to do so. Impatiently, Ace whined, "Why so afraid?" He teased.
Zenil and Kai gasped as they heard and Zenil grew rage, pulling his arrow against his bow, "Mind your business, Azuran!" Shouted Zenil as he released his bow to aim against Ace. Ace did receive a scar from his arrow and laughed, "That's more like it. Now, come and fight!" Ace yelled as he ran towards Zenil and Kai. From that, the three best friends fought against each other, a desperate fight even. Sadly, poor Zenil and Kai could not focus so much since it was against his best friend. Why did he do this? Using them as his toys? The three each got scars from their face. "Ace, why did you do this?" Kai asked hesitantly as he dodged Ace's sword. Ace refused to answer, making Kai's anger increase. Kai felt as if he got pulled down by guilt. Zenil, being Ace's best friend, felt the same as Kai. Their eyes were filled by water, unable to see clearly.
Desperate to end the fight, Zenil tried to convince Ace to stop but instead, Ace swung his sword, causing a long scar on Zenil's eye. Zenil gasped in shock as he moved backwards from him, covering his eye with his hand. Zenil was tired, he could not even aim Ace properly, there he began to fall to the ground. With the amount of anger Zenil got, the more he lost his eyesight.
Crystal Seal
AventuraTragic story was last told about six years ago. Dangerous creatures known as the Likowns are free from their sealing, taking over the whole world brings bad news to all. A powerful crystal placed an important role for the sealing. However, its loca...