31: Silent Treatment

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Gerard felt that something was unusual when he woke up to the sound of his phone ringing - to a Green Day song, for a change. All the memories from the day before flashed in his mind.


Gerard felt a knot in his stomach as he fully remembered everything that had happened, and started wondering how he could face the twins about it or what he could possibly say to make everything alright. Maybe he just couldn't.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up, and that's when he saw his diary open on the nightstand at the page. Gerard felt panic rise up inside his chest, once again.

No no no, Gerard, get your shit back together, you can't let panic overwhelm you all the time. There must be an explanation to this.

But deep down, Gerard knew there wasn't. Or more exactly there was one and solely one : Frank and Anthony had brought him back to his bedroom, which was nice of them. But it was now obvious that they had been the ones finding Gerard's diary, who hadn't bothered hiding it like he usually did.

Gerard was absolutely sure that he hadn't just left it open like that and certainly not on this page. He tried to avoid thinking about this part of his life. He believed that if he kept ignoring it, then it would be like it had never existed in people's mind - his own, to begin with.

Gerard's confusion turned into upsetting : he was frightened that Anthony and Frank had understood everything that had happened. And then, just like when Bert had sent this video to everybody in the school, Gerard began overthinking, convinced that the twins were now disgusted by the slut he was.

But Gerard also felt some odd kind of anger towards the twins. How dare they read about his private life like that, when he was passed out?!

It was with these mixed feelings spinning inside his mind that Gerard went out of his room to get breakfast.

In the common room, Gerard sat at a table next to Ray and Brendon without a tray since he never ate in the morning. Frank and Anthony immediatly headed for him.

"Gerard, hey..." Anthony awkwardly began.

"We need to talk to you about something, it's important, please."

Gerard looked up at them and mentally debated on what he should say. Should he tell them to fuck off? No, too rude and savage. Say sorry? Well, Gerard had messed up but so had the twins by meddling.

Gerard had no idea of what he should say, so he decided to give them the silence treatement. He didn't want to deal with his past again and confront the twins about it. He just looked at them, keeping silent.

"...I think Gerard is still waking up." Ray eventually spoke, trying to stay neutral in this.

"Okay well, Gee, meet us in my room after breakfast, we have to talk." said Anthony.

Gerard looked away without speaking a word. He stayed silent while his friends were eating, thinking about the aftermath of everything that had happened last night. Of course, Gerard didn't go to the appointment made by the twins. He was angry, angry and ashamed.

After preparing themselves, the students went in the hall as they were told to. All the teachers were here and explained that 'in order to fully apprehend the patrimony of Cambridge, they would have to work in pairs and present one of the building amongst the ones on the list : its history and use today...' , blablabla.

"Now I'll announce you the pairs we formed. You and your partner can leave and get to work as soon as you hear your name. You have at your disposal the library of the hostel on the ground floor and all its computers on the third floor." Mrs Navarro spoke with a liste of names in the hand.

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