37: Sexy Naught Bitchy Gee

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Don't think that, like in every fairytale or cheesy movie, the strory stops when the guy gets the girl - or in this case, the other guy. Life goes on.

It had been a week since Gerard and Frank had started dating and they had never been so happy in their lives. Everything was for the best for everyone.

There was barely a month of class left and that could be felt in they way the students and teachers were acting. The students had started letting themselves go and the teachers let them. They also gave less homework and were more tolerent.

It was the best part of the year for everyone : warm weather, getting to see your friends, no pressure.

Too bad there were still classes to attend.

"I have biology." Frank huffed. He and Gerard were in the hallways, getting ready to listen to an old hairy teacher talk about how plants bred. Fascinating.

"Oh, poor baby." Gerard mocked teasingly. He perfectly understood Frank's despair though, he loathed evey scientific subject too.

"Yeah, give me strength."

"I can give you better than that."

Gerard pulled him in a languorous kiss.

"I think that will do." Frank grinned. "But I'll need another one for math, this afternoon."

"Yeah, keep dreaming."

"No can do babe, you're not as good in my dreams as in reality."

Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard waist and tried to kiss him, but Gerard put his index on Frank's mouth to stop him, and tutted.

"Save it for later, you're gonna be late."

Gerard pecked his lips and Frank chuckled and left. Gerard went downstairs in his own class.

The morning ended quite slowly as Gerard and Frank spent most of their classes gazing at each other or thinking about the other when they didn't have class together.

Gerard went in the cafeteria and sat next to Mikey as he usually did, but this time Frank joined them and sat on the bench next to Gerard, resulting in Gerard snuggling up against his boyfriend so Mikey wasn't pressed against the wall and had enough room to eat comfortably.

In front of them was Brendon and Ray but also Christa who was now dating Ray. Just like Frank and Gerard, the latters were close to each other to give Brendon more room.

"Maybe we should think about getting a table for six, and not for four..." Ray commented, making the others nod.

Gerard was done eating. His head was resting on Frank's shoulder and he was thoughtfully staring at nothing. One of Frank's arms was loosely wrapped around his hips. "Frankie?"

"Yes baby?"

"When I'm old... When I'm old and ugly, will you still love me?" Gerard asked, completely ignoring all the people around them.

"Always. Besides, I'll be old and ugly too" Frank winked, making Christa, Brendon and Ray emit an 'aww'. Mikey was too grumpy because of his lack of vital space to say anything, and just sighed.

"You know, you never get old as long as you stay young in your head. And you'll always be young and beautiful to me. I love you." Frank stated, gently rubbing Gerard's side before his hand rested on his hips again.

"Aww, you're so disgustingly sweet..." Gerard chuckled and kissed Frank, who quickly let go of his fork to cup Gerard's cheek and deepen the kiss. His grip on Gerard's hips slightly tightened. Gerard took the occasion to slide his tongue in his mouth and used it to stoke Frank's.

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