Colleagues to Friends

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We reached Anteiku and manager said it was okay to go home so I placed down the plastic bags before heading to the staff room to change into my casual clothes, took my bag and ran out of the shop. I heard Kaneki calling my name but I never stopped running until I reached home.

-Ayato is Touka's younger brother. He's 14.-

"Ayato I'm home!" Touka shouted and went into the living room still panting.

Ayato looks at Touka. "Why are you like that? Your face's red you know."

"Huh, it is? Haha it must be because I ran home. I'll go up to my room now." Touka goes up.

"Okay?" Ayato answered confused.

Touka threw herself on the bed and sighed. I have to stop thinking about him! I'll just pretend it didn't happen. Yeah! Nothing happened! She slapped her face.

-Next Day At Work-
Kaneki and Touka refused to make eye contact. Even if they did, they would look away immediately. This started to affect their work performance as they couldn't communicate as good as before. The manager invited Kaneki and Touka into his office for a small "chat".

"Kaneki-kun, Touka-chan, I will not ask what happened but can you two please not let this affect your work? Do something about it." Yoshimura (manager) warned them. They replied okay and went out.

"H-hey, Touka-chan.." Kaneki whispered.

"W-what is it?" She whispered back.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I was careless."

"Wha? No it was my fault I was the one who accidentally-"

"Haha so we're even then? Then let's just put this behind us and focus on work, okay?"

"O-okay.." Touka said. She sounded a little disappointed.

Touka tried her best to forget about it.

-After Work-

I hope she accepts my invitation... Here I go!
"Touka-chan, do you want to go home together? Since we stay quite near and all.." Kaneki asked.

Touka pondered about the question for a while then agreed.

-On the way home-

Hey, let's be friends! No. Can we be friends? No. Hey Touka-chan, I would like to know you better. No. Kaneki couldn't decide what to say to Touka. He has been wanting to be friends with Touka for a while.

A lightbulb popped in his head.

"Touka-chan, what are your hobbies?"

"Hmm? Listening to music and baking only I guess."

"What kind of music do you like listening to?"

"I like GRANRODEO, OLDCODEX and TK from Ling Tosite Sigure. My favorite song would be Unravel by TK."

"What a coincidence! Unravel is my favorite song too! I really love their songs, it's like the lyrics are really sad and it sometimes give me the courage to keep going on."

Touka widened her eyes. "Really? I feel the same. I think the singer, TK has a really nice voice..." Touka continued on.

They continued talking about songs the rest of the way home.

-Reached Touka's house-

"Hey Touka-chan, can we walk back home together everyday like this? Ah, if you don't want to then it's alright.."

She thought about it for a while then answered, "Yeah, it's alright with me I guess. See you tomorrow."

Somewhere deep in Kaneki's heart screamed in joy. "T-then see you tomorrow Touka-chan!"

Huh? Why did my heart scream in joy just now? What is this I'm feeling? My heart's beating really fast right now... I guess I'll ask Hide later... ("Hide" Hideyoshi Nagachika - Kaneki Ken's best friend)

Later that night... Kaneki phones Hide. Hide picks up.

"Hello Hide? It's Kaneki. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah! Shoot." Hide said cheerfully.

Kaneki explained what happened to Hide.

"Hmm I know! You like her!"

"W-what? How can that be? She's scary and I don't know her well enough too..."

"Tch tch tch. Kaneki-kun, if you keep using that as an excuse, you'll regret it when someone comes and take her away one day. I'll come down to Anteiku tomorrow and see her for myself. "

-Conversation is over-
-Next Day-
-Hide came to observe Kaneki and Touka-

After a while, Hide gestured to Touka to take his order.

"One cup of coffee and 2 cheese sandwiches please."

"Okay, is there anything else you would like to add?"

"And yeah, how do you feel about Kaneki? "

Okay part 4 is done! I hope you guys are enjoying my story so far! Sorry it's kinda slow.. They need time to develop feelings for each other so yeah! I've been trying to make the parts longer if you guys haven't noticed cuz I think it's kinda short. Once again thank you for your support and do leave comments! :)

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