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"And yeah, how do you feel about Kaneki?"

"Huh?" Touka's heart skipped a beat when Hide asked her that question.

"Kaneki? Uhh I think he tries his best at his job and is quite nice..though he is quite clumsy."

"I meant how do you see Kaneki as a man?"

"Hide! What are you asking her?!" Kaneki shouted as he pulled Touka away from Hide.

"Touka-chan you can go back first, I'll talk to Hide." Kaneki smiled at Touka.

"O-okay.." Touka said and went to the counter.

-Kaneki then turns to Hide-

"What were you trying to ask her Hide?"

"What? I was trying to ask about her feelings for you. Was that wrong?"

"No but me and Touka just became friends yesterday so you can't just ask her like that. You'll scare her off! What if she doesn't like me anymore?"

"Oh-ho? So you care about how she feels then?" Hide grins.

"Y-yeah I do care. Is there a problem?" Kaneki blushed slightly.

"Nothing~ Get back to work, Touka's waiting!" Hide said playfully.

"Hide! Keep your voice down!" Kaneki whispered.

-Touka comes and serves Hide his food-

"Hey Touka-chan, you can forget about that question. I just want to you to know that Kaneki doesn't get along very well with people and has little friends so I hope that you'll treat him well. As his best friend, I'm happy he found another friend, Touka-chan. Thank you for becoming his friend."

"Okay. I'll treat him well." Touka smiled.

-After work (5PM)
"Touka-chan, what did Hide say to you just now?"

"Nothing. He just asked me to take care of you."

THUMP THUMP THUMP. Kaneki could hear his heartbeat getting louder. He gulped. "In what way?"

"As a friend."

Oh. Kaneki's heart sank.

"Ah! I forgot to buy ingredients for dinner! Sorry Kaneki, would you go home without me? I have to go Walmart to buy stuff."

"I'll go with you Touka-chan! I can help you carry your stuff!"

"You will? Thanks! That would help a lot!"

-They both ran to Walmart-

-At Walmart-

They wheezed and took deep breaths and then started to shop.

"Touka-chan, what are you planning to cook?"

"Tempura udon and some sushi."

"Good afternoon, Miss! Would you like to try our new karaage? You could cook for your boyfriend here!" One sales person promoting karaage asked Touka.

Kaneki as my boyfriend? That sounds nice... Wait, what the hell am I thinking?!

"I'm sorry but he's just a friend."

Just a friend, huh? I'm kinda sad she only thinks of me like that... Kaneki sighed in his heart.

" I'm sorry! It's just that the both of you looked so much like a couple so I just assumed he was your boyfriend. I'm so sorry!" The sales person quickly apologized.

'I'll get one packet of that." Touka said as she ate the karaage the sales person prepared.

"Ah! Thank you! Here it is!" She passed Touka one packet.

-Done shopping, on the way home-

"Kaneki, why don't you come over to my house for dinner? I'll cook for you since you're helping me carrying my groceries."

"O-Okay! I'll take you up on your offer! Thank you Touka-chan!" Kaneki beamed.

"W-welcome.." Touka felt her cheeks becoming hot.

What's this? Why do I feel like this? Why is my heart beating faster and faster? Calm down, heart! He's just smiling isn't he? Damn it, why is his smile so cute?


"How do you see Kaneki as a man?"

-Flashback Over-

Damn! Why does his question come to my mind at a time like this?! How do I feel about him? He's just a friend.. But if he's just a friend, my heart shouldn't be beating this fast... Why am I reacting like this...

-Both reached Touka's house-

"Come on in." Touka went into her house.

"Ojamashimasu. (I will be disturbing you)" Kaneki took off his shoes and went into the house, following Touka.

"Just put the stuff on the table and sit wherever. I'll be going upstairs to change, wait for me here." Touka went up.

"Okay." Kaneki sat down at the dining table.

-In her room-

"Urgh... not this... not that either... Why don't I have nicer shirts to wear?! Touka's rummaging her cupboards for a suitable outfit. She wanted to look presentable at least.

She heard the angel and devil side of her talking in her head.

Devil : Why do you even care about this? Just take anything! It's not like he's your boyfriend.

Angel : What if he doesn't like your clothing? You don't want him to dislike you right?

"Argh screw it! I'm just gonna wear a plain shirt and shorts!" She hurriedly puts on her clothes and went downstairs.

"Sorry for the wait!" She put on her apron and started cooking.

"Pft!" Kaneki stifled a laugh.

"What are you laughing at?!" Touka turned around.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to laugh at you! Just that your apron..."

"Ah! You just thought it didn't fit me right?! Because it's a rabbit pattern..."

"No! I just thought it looks very cute on you!"

Touka blushes. "Shut up you baka!"

-Ayato just came back and walks into dining room-

"Touka, who's this guy?" Ayato glared at Kaneki.

Gulp. Ayato's eyes were like a predator who just locked onto his prey. (In this case, Kaneki is the prey.)

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Do leave feedbacks! Thank you :)

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