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Allah asked Adam(as) and his wife hawwa to live in the paradise.Allah said "O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in paradise and eat freely from it anywhere you may wish."
   Both Adam and hawwa lived happily there.eating from the many trees that were provided by Allah for in paradise was pure bliss.Adam and hawwa were dear to Allah.Allah loved them alot,he provided them with all that Adam and hawwa wanted to possess and eat.
ربنا اغفر لنا ولاخوننا الذين سبقونا بالايمن ولا تجعل فى قلوبنا غلا للذين ءامنوا ربنا انك رءوف رحيم
'Our lord,forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and leave no malice in our hearts toward those who believe.lord,you are indeed compassionate and merciful.

   But there was one three which was forbidden for them.Allah told them not to eat from that tree.Allah knew best that it was harmful for He asked them not to approach that tree.The paradise was a beautiful place for Adam and hawwa to live in.They lived in the Paradise thanking Allah for His favour to them.


After creating Adam(as) Allah taught Adam names of all things.Allah had not taught the angels these names,so they did not know any.but Adam knew all,he was given this knowledge by Allah.then Allah said to the angels: BOW TO ADAM."
  All the angels bowed in repect to Adam except iblis,a jiin.Allah asked iblis,"what prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you to ?"
Iblis replied: " i am better than made me of fire.but you made Adam of ordinary clay."
Allah said: get away from here.I curse you till the day of judgement!"
"Give me respite till the day of judgment,"begged iblis.he said he would tempt people to sin and lead them away from the right path😭.
Allah said:"surely,you shall have no power over my true servabts,except those
misguided ones will choose to follow you."

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