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واذكر في الكتب ادريس انه كان صديقا نبيا ©و رفعنه مكانا عليا.
   "And mention in the book of idris,he was a truthful prophet.And we raised him high in the heaven."
      Allah has praised idris (AS) in this verse and described him as prophet and truthful.our prophet's ancestral line meets him,as many of genealogists mentioned it.
       After adam and seth, he was the first man to be sent as prophet,peace be upon all of them.
     Ibn ishaq said: he was first man to write with a pen.He was born while Adam was still to live three hundred and eight years of his life.

Allah said: "And we raised him high in the heaven." This verse has been explained in many different ways. In (Albukhari) and muslim,in the hadith related about the night journey of our prophet(SAW) it is mentioned: "the prophet passed by him on the fourth heaven." IBN jarir narrated from hilal bin yasaf,saying: ibn 'abbas asked ka'b,while i was present there: "what it meant when Allah said:'and we raised him high in the heaven?' ka'b replied: Allah revealed to idris: I would raise for you everyday the same amount of the the deeds as of all Adams children' ------ perhaps meaning of his time idris wanted to increase his deeds and devotion.A friend of him from angels visited him and idris said to him: 'Allah has revealed to me such and such,so could you please speak to the angel of i could increase my deeds.' The angel carried him on his wings and went up into the heaven.When it was the fourth heaven,they met the angel of death,who was descending down to earth.The angel spoke to him,about what idris had spoken to him before.The angel of death said: 'but where is idris?' He replied: he is upon my back.' The angel of death said how astonishing! I was sent and told to seize his soul in the fourth heaven. I kept thinking how i could seize it in the fourth heaven when he was on the earth? Then he took his soul there out of his body,and that is what is meant in this verse: "And we raised him high in the heaven."

      Imam Bukhari says: it is narrated from ibn mas'ud and ibn Abbas that Elias( iliyas ) was idris. They apparently take evidence from the hadith of night journey that: when the prophet (saw) passe by him,he said: Welcome to the pious brother and pious prophet.And he did not say as adam and abraham said : Welcome yo the pious prophet and pious son.' They say: Were him to be in his lineage ,he should have said as they both said:

This evidence doesn't stand strong,because it could be that the narrator did not remember it properly.or he may have said that to show his humility and affection.

Ma sha Allah Finally an update

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