prophet sulaiman.

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Prophet Sulaiman (also known as Solomon) is a revered figure in Islamic tradition and is mentioned in the Quran. He was the son of Prophet David (Dawud) and is considered one of the greatest prophets and kings in history. The story of Prophet Sulaiman is filled with wisdom, miracles, and lessons for humanity.

According to Islamic tradition, Sulaiman was bestowed with immense wisdom and knowledge by Allah (God) at a young age. He was known for his fair judgment, insight, and ability to communicate with animals and understand their languages. He was also gifted with supernatural powers, including control over the wind and the ability to command jinn (creatures made of smokeless fire).

One of the famous accounts involving Sulaiman is the story of the talking hoopoe bird. Sulaiman noticed that the hoopoe bird was missing from his assembly of birds, and he became curious about its absence. The bird later returned and informed Sulaiman about the kingdom of Sheba (Saba) and their queen, Bilqis. The bird relayed how the people of Sheba worshipped the sun instead of Allah and engaged in corrupt practices. Intrigued by this information, Sulaiman decided to send a letter to the queen, inviting her and her people to worship Allah alone.

When the queen received Sulaiman's letter, she sought advice from her advisors. Sulaiman's letter reached her through a miraculous means, as it had been placed on her throne while she was away, without anyone's knowledge. After consulting with her advisors, Bilqis decided to travel to meet Sulaiman and assess his wisdom and power. Upon her arrival, Sulaiman welcomed her and showcased his kingdom's grandeur and the miracles granted to him by Allah.

During their meeting, Sulaiman tested Bilqis's wisdom by presenting her with a glass floor and asking her to enter the palace. Thinking that the floor was water, Bilqis lifted her dress slightly to avoid getting wet. Sulaiman pointed out her mistake, demonstrating her lack of wisdom in the face of his superior knowledge and power.

Impressed by Sulaiman's wisdom, miracles, and devotion to Allah, Queen Bilqis and her people accepted the message of monotheism and surrendered to Allah's will. Sulaiman, with his extraordinary abilities and knowledge, ruled with justice and established peace throughout his kingdom.

The story of Prophet Sulaiman also highlights his command over the jinn. He employed the jinn to undertake various tasks, including construction, mining, and exploration. It is said that they worked under his guidance and control, acknowledging his authority as a chosen prophet of Allah.

Sulaiman's reign was characterized by prosperity, peace, and harmony between humans, animals, and the environment. His devotion to Allah, his wisdom, and his just rule became legendary, making him one of the most prominent and revered figures in Islamic history.

In the Quran, the story of Prophet Sulaiman serves as a reminder of the importance of wisdom, justice, and monotheism. It teaches that true power and success come from seeking knowledge, following Allah's guidance, and treating all creatures with respect and compassion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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