A person I can trust (1) *edited

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Y/n's diary entry :
Dear diary,
I think I might have just survived the most stressing week in my life ever. We had exams everyday and I was only studying never getting a break because in the future I  wanna be a healer and for that you obviously need good grades. My friends on the other hand don't care that much and still have their social life...Anyways, now that we've already written more than the half of the exams I can relax a little and hang out with my friends more. I definitely missed that. Hope to see you soon again with better and not so boring news ;)

Y/n :
I place my diary and pencil next to me and stand up from my cozy bed, not really wanting to get up leaving the warmth of it.

What am I going to do today ?

Of course, there is this option that I could go to the library and study but Luna would definitely be a lil mad at me for not meeting up again, she's understanding tho. I think, well- I...just have the feeling I need to do more for Potions. In the future, I want to be a healer, so Potions is a important subject for me.

What if I won't remember that one thing I could've studied today ?

Yeah you see here that I tend to overthink everything unnecessary and that is not letting me sleep at night. I'm quite hungry since I didn't ate dinner last night, so I'm definitely going to get some food now. A lot of food.


Third person view :
With that y/n changed into some fresh clothes. She decided to go casual, a simple grey shirt and blue jeans and obviously her raven claw

Nothing special yet she looked good in it.
(You can imagine something else tho)

Y/n washed her face, it's something she always does to feel clean, just a habit of her.

Her hair, she put up in a loose ponytail, which defined her small face.

After that she left her dorm and went downstairs to the common room, so she can go to the Kitchen.

Draco Malfoy :
I woke up early today.

I couldn't sleep again, lately I never get any long sleep.

I am tired as hell, so I'm sitting in the common room reading a book.

When I hear some little footsteps, probably some first year but when I look up it's y/l/n.

Where were she the last week?

I only saw her in classes- No I am not stalking her.

I'm just a very observant person.

Yes that's it.

I couldn't resist and had to look at her one more time. I mean she doesn't look bad when
she wouldn't be so shy.

It's kinda cute tho.

These black shorts, are looking good on her, when she would be mine there's no way I
would let her walk around in that.

I know she's not doing this to get attention from the boys.

Okay that's it concentrate on your book again Malfoy.

y/n :
When I arrive at the common room, well, well who do we have here.draco malfoy.

Sitting alone ?

Reading a book for potions.

I mean he's not that dumb in school, quite smart I have to admit.

He just doesn't show it off, like Hermione does sometimes, but I don't mind her either.

She is very intelligent no one can tell me otherwise.

„Good morning Malfoy. Is everything okay-?" - y/n.

I mentally slap myself, why would I care about how he feels ? Please, just ignore me.

Draco looks up and takes a second before he answers.

It looks like he's thinking what he should answer.

"Morning y/n I'm good." - Draco.

Did he really just answered and used MY FIRST NAME.

No, shit I have to act confident.

"Well then, see you" - y/n.

Wow, couldn't I think of something better ?

He used my first name, wait- he KNOWS my name. I cannot get this out of my head.

And with that I leave to go to the great hall
since I am starving and need to eat something now.

Maybe strawberries with some chocolate, doesn't sound bad.

*At the great hall*

Once I ate my Strawberries with chocolate, which were delicious and ended my quick conversation with Daphne.

I decide to leave the great hall, since Daphne left to study, maybe I should do the same.

Draco Malfoy :
I wonder where she is now maybe I can hang out with her since no one has time today.

Should I?

I do not own draco malfoy.

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