"The next base... Fort Sumter." Vega said, projecting an image of the terrifying fort. It stood on a tall hill overlooking a plain, with no hiding place in sight. The fort itself had multiple turrets and guns while trenches were dug around it, with no way across except for a man-made passage for the entrance. There were runways for planes, barracks housing thousands of troops, and all the important things were underground, protected from any aerial bombing.
"The base where we came from." Virtue said. "It's an intimidating force. There's absolutely no way to sneak past those turrets when there's no cover. They have the high ground, making it even harder for a direct assault. There's prisons all over this place, and not to mention the sheer amount of drones, watch towers, and sensors, making stealth nearly impossible. As soon as we even get close enough, they'll call down the bombs and nuke us all. A direct assault is the only way."
"But we don't have enough cover; the planes will cause devastating damage as soon as we're detected." Andrew argued. "Besides, their second most powerful general, Apollon, is there."
"You've faced her before?" Valor asked.
"Barely survived if not for Colin." Andrew sighed. "But last time, we were on the defensive side; now we have to attack, and that's no easy feat."
"We can sneak through however." Fortitude said.
"Really? For once you're contributing something other than just fighting." Valor mocked.
"Shut up, sis." He said. "I found a way through the detection system while messing around with Angel..." His voice trailed off. "The point is, we have a way to get a small group of us across; the tunnel, found in the hangar, was originally a sewer; and still is. It's the only way. We get some people there, sabotage the planes and disable the drones, and let the army march on through."
"There's a flaw however." Virtue said. "Everything is underground; the hangar is easy enough but the control rooms are deep underground. And getting down there is harder than reaching the sun by flapping your arms. There's multiple locks, entrances, and exits; a maze, basically. You need access for every door, all depending on your rank. The engineers can only access the maintenance rooms, while generals and other high ranking officers can go anywhere."
"Aren't you guys technically higher ranking then even Apollon?" Peter pointed out. "Maybe you can still access those doors? Or we can just blow it up."
"If they haven't removed our access, yes." Dream said. "However, if a breach is detected it'll go into lockdown mode; not even we can get through. There is also a self-destruct button; it'll delete all data in the base and make it collapse; if we want the data-"
"Which we do." Piper said.
"Then we have to get down there, stick an extremely good hard drive in, and get out." Valor finished. "Easier said than done."
"How many gigabytes do the data bank have?" Hector asked.
"13." Dream said. "p-"
"That's manageable." Hector said, taking a drink.
"Petabytes." Dream finished, making Hector spit His drink back into his cup.
"WHAT!??!!?" He yelled. "We don't even have something that good!!!! There's no way we can get everything!"
"Then we need something that can contain all that." Andrew said.
"DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH DATA THAT IS!!??!?!?!" Vega yelled.
"Yes." Andrew said. "We're doomed."
"Not yet..." Dream said. "How much storage capacity do you have, Judy?"
"Excuse me?" Vega asked.
"Talking to my A.I." Dream said.
"About 20 petabytes." a woman said. "However, 15 is already used up."
"Guilty, Spark." Valor said, talking to hers. "How much have you left?"
"About 2 petabytes." A female voice said.
"Cortana, how much do you two have?" Virtue asked.
"We have 15 petabtyes at our disposal." Dream said. "Valor and Fortitude share 2 A.I"
"Which he used up on disgusting crap." Valor said. "Don't even make me go through his files."
"Shut up......" Fortitude snarled.
"Yeah yeah you big pe-"
"SHUT IT!!!!" Fortitude yelled.
"So putting that aside..." Colin said. "The Myrmidons, me, Andrew Hector, and Piper will come; we may get others, depending on how much the tunnel will hold. Sounds good?"
Everyone nodded.
"Fortitude, show us where the tunnel is." Colin said. "The rest of you, get ready; this may be very well the most dangerous one so far."
Star Darlings; The Soldier
Fanfiction(THIS IS A SEQUEL STORY TO STAR DARLINGS; THE OTHER 12) War. War can do the worst thing to anyone. War, can change everyone. The same applies to Starland. After years of peace, darkness has finally risen again; except this time, it has help. Will th...