Chapter 10-Crap, crap, crap!

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-Happy reading!

Ainsley P.O.V

As soon as I slammed the door, I ran. I ran past the kitchen, the living room, up the stairs and turned hallways I didn’t even know about. 

I darted through some pack members and covered my face with my hands. Which was reckless because it’s what led me to bump into something. Or someone.

I bumped into him so hard that I almost slipped but he caught me by the shoulders and settled me. I looked up to him.

“Are you okay?” As soon as I heard those words, I broke down uncontrollably. I started to sob really badly. 

Before I took notice of what was happening he pulled me into an embrace. A warm and welcoming embrace. I felt secure. So I returned the hug by placing my arms around his waist. 

If it were any other time, I would disapprove of my actions. But right now I don’t care. I’m tired, hurt, and I need someone.

Before I knew it, he pulled me to a room. When I made no move to walk, he placed a hand around my waist and another under my legs. He lifted me up effortlessly.  

I didn’t put up much of a fight; I just wrapped my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest. Trying to sooth the pain I felt.

He was about to turn on the lights. “No.” I said lightly.

He nodded, walked to the bed, and carefully laid me down. He was about to move away to leave but before he had the chance I took his hand.

“Don’t go.” I pleaded.

Through the dim light from the windows he looked at me for a good 10 seconds before nodding and settling beside me.

I made space and as soon as he got comfortable, I moved over to him and laid my head on his chest. He hesitantly placed his arm around me.

Why couldn’t Bryan be like this with me? I clutched at my heart feeling a searing pain. My wolf was in pain but my human was too.

The guy felt it and he brought a hand to cup my head and said, “I don’t know what’s going through your mind right now, or what happened but—just cry it off. I’m sure things will fall into place soon enough.”

I was already crying before he said it. I know I seemed needy. And I hated it. I hate to seem needy and cry in front of anyone. But I was in pain.

And it’s about time somebody gives me the okay to cry my eyeballs out. Not only was I crying because of what happened with Bryan, but this crappy mood I’m in made me think of everything that’s happened. Including what Bryan said about me making the choice to leave my pack to their luck. And as much as I hate to admit it, he’s right.

I don’t know why he didn’t do it. He didn’t reject me. I thought he was. It felt like he was going to reject me, but something stopped him. 

I desperately wanted to cling to hope, but whatever it was it still hurt me. I’m just not good enough for him. 

I cried taking advantage of this nice guy. He held me tighter and I felt safe. For now. I know that later on, I’ll have to make a choice. But right now I can’t think about that.

I sighed and silently fell asleep. Tomorrow is a new day.

 I rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust to the searing morning light that came through the windows. 

I was on my side right on the edge of the bed and the only thing that stopped me from falling were the covers tangled with me.

I looked down and realized there was a heavy arm draped around my stomach. I screamed. Unfortunately, I didn’t know that he too was tangled with the covers, so in my attempt to shot out of the bed, all I accomplished was to fall on the floor and he fell on top of me. I could feel his breathing on my neck.

“Five more minutes” he mumbled in a very sleepy voice.

I tried to talk but my lungs were holding too much weight.  “You’re— squishing—me!” I hissed, both my arms trapped beside me by the covers and him.

When he propelled himself on his elbows and removed his head from under my cheek to meet my face, I was met with a pair of familiar icy blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair. 

“Blake?” I asked confused. All the memories from last night came rushing back to me. Including fresh pain from my fight with Bryan.

I guess I was so engrossed in crying that I never took notice of whom the nice guy was. Oh my god! Bryan’s beta! What will Bryan think of me now? I slept with his beta! Well just sleep but still. Crap, crap, crap!

“Good morning.” He said sheepishly.

“Umm, good morning.” I said awkwardly.

“How are you?” 

“Well I’m finding it a little hard to breath and a little violated but other than that I’m good thanks.” I said, sarcasm dripping heavily from my every word.

“Oh!” He said but made no move to get off me.

I raised an eyebrow. “So? Can you please get off me?” I tried pushing him but it was no use.

“Oh yea, yea. Sorry.” He expertly unwound himself from the covers. When he was completely free, he offered me a hand and helped me to my feet.

“Uh, thanks.” 

As soon as I was standing up I headed for the door. “Hey Ainsley—wait up!” he called after me.

“I can’t sorry!”

I hate to be rude but I couldn’t spend any more time here. I could not risk to be seen with him. Bryan will hate me even more. And then, there’s also the fact that things were going to be awkward from now on between Blake and me. I also didn’t want to have to explain things to Blake right now. 

Plus if I stay any longer in here there’s the risk that any pack maid would come in and see us here together.

I had to go find Adeline and tell her my decision and fast I didn’t want to cause any more problems. I can only hope Blake doesn’t say anything.

All I care about right now is loosing Bryan’s beta. I also hope he didn’t get the wrong message between him and me.

Oh oh!

what happens now?

will blake be settion his eyes on his alpha's mate?

what will anisley do?

find out next time!

-Love always master skittles >:D

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