Chapter 6-Not a shove, a Boost!

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Alright my lovelies heres another chappy! sorry for the late upload! Also this chpater is dedicated to iiheartfood because she uncounciously helped me to choose a name for this chapter and a little of writting love you!!

-happy reading!

Ainsley P.O.V

It has been 43 minutes since we got into the mall. Since then Stacy dragged Bryan away and Helen and I went the opposite direction. We were currently at Hollister looking for some clothes for me. Helen was looking at a stack of t-shirts while I was blankly staring at myself in the fitting room’s mirror. “Ainsley honey which one do you think is cuter?” she turned to me holding a neon blue shirt and a purple ivory one while she looked at me. Instantly she lowered them down as she took in my expression.

“I just don’t see what he sees in her. He could have chosen any other but why her?” I said as I looked at my small frame in the mirror. I was starting to believe he actually did find her attractive. I mean, why wouldn’t he? She was slim, blue eyes, big cleavage.  And me, I was just simple.

“Oh Ainsley.” She sighed exasperatedly and came to my side. “Honey, only a fool wouldn’t notice that he’s just doing that to get you jealous and we both know you’re no fool.” She said as she grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards her.

“I know that and that’s what I thought at first. You know, that he was trying to get me jealous. Well then how do you explain that he hasn’t left Stacy since we got here and come talk to me?” I said.

“Ainsley we both know that Bryan is a fool. I’m sure he wants to talk to you as much as you want too. However, he doesn’t know how to handle this situation. He’s been under a lot of pressure lately since… well, that’s for Bryan to tell you in the future when you guys have your talk. The thing is, he respects any female whore or not. He’s like this ideal alpha. Responsible, strong, organized, and loves his pack. And when you add the little extra of wining your mate over he gets frustrated and doesn’t know what to do. Right now, he knows he did wrong and wants to give you space. I think you should let him do that, he’s probably beating himself up for his stupidity.” She said warmly. “And you should cut him some slack. I’m sure when he explains why he overreacted in the first place you will understand. He just needs a little shove, if not he might back away.” She said with double meaning behind her words. I wanted to ask what’s so important that it drove him to scream at me the first day we met, but the way she said it told me she wasn’t going to open up. So I let it go and moved on to something that was bothering me more.

“What’s up with that chick Stacy anyway? Why did she act all comfortable with him and stuff? I mean, I know she’s pretty and-“but Helen cut me off. I’m starting to think cutting people off is hereditary.

“Okay first off she is not pretty. She has silicone all over her body in places I don’t even want to name. Second, Bryan choosing her as the bait was a mere coincidence. And Ainsley I better not hear that you think that she’s prettier than you because honey you are gorgeous and real!” she said now shaking a laugh out of me.

“Okay I get it. But you still didn’t answer why she acted like she owned him.” I said when I turned to look at her once again.

She looked at me for a moment then sighed. “Well the thing is, Bryan and Stacy have a history. When Stacy’s parents died in a rogue attack protecting Bryan, he felt guilty after that. Then Stacy noticed he had a soft spot for her and started using it to her advantage. But not the soft spot you think I mean like a duty. Then after… the incident happened.” She stopped for a minute to catch her breath. “He came drunk one night and needed comfort and the only person who was there was Stacy and well, you know. From there on, they started having a relationship but it seemed to me Bryan only used her for that category. He respected her but when he saw she didn’t care for her own body then he did too. And now that you are here, you’re just going to shove that girl out of the way.” She said a little unsure of how I would take this.

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