👗Chapter 8: A Ball To Celebrate All👗

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A little note, this chapter will have 1st POV, thanks for reading!

       Some days have passed and it's our fluffy boy's birthday! So how is he going to celebrate it? Well he's going to a ball that's going to have a lot of people, which potentially means he has to talk to them, which also leads to noise. And dear god, we know he doesn't like loud sounds but can withstand them.

      Today we have both boys(girl) sitting in Izuru's room, nervous. Izuru is trying to finish Nagito's dress, which would have been finished yesterday if it weren't for a meeting. He's also nervous because some of his presents aren't done either, and the curious bunny is looking around the room.

       The cute bunny is only nervous because of the potential attention he could get tonight. If it's not Izuru's attention, he didn't really want it. And he was like 100% sure that Izuru somehow was spoiling him. Nagito doesn't mind the title "spoiled bunny", but he didn't want to live up to it by other gifts.

        "Sugar? Are you alright back there?" Izuru asks, not turning around from the dress he's currently making. "A bit nervous to be honest, I haven't been to a ball in three years", "My dancing is a bit rusty" Nagito replies. "You ball dance Sugar?". "I do, well did", "Like I said I'm a bit rusty".

        "That's quite alright, we can practice after I'm done". Nagito gets up from the bed he was sitting on and scrolls over to Izuru. "Izzy, what are you making this time?". "Go sit Sugar, you'll see when I'm done". Nagito pouts, "Izzy I'm bored!". "Sugar I'm almost done, just wait".

      Nagito huffs and sits back on the bed pouting, "You can't wait?". "You said you'd give me all of the attention I wanted" Nagito mumbles. "I've been trying not to hurt my hand since it was a concern of yours, but it'll speed up the process" Izuru tells him. "Don't hurt yourself over me".

       "Then wait patiently". Nagito groans and lays back on the bed, light chuckles can be heard. "Oi! Don't laugh at me!". "You're adorable spoiled bunny, I'm already done" Izuru states, getting up from the chair. "Then can I see what you made?" Nagito asks, sitting up in the bed.

        "Not yet". "But I've waited for two hours!". "Sugar I'm done now and you can have all of the attention before the ball". "So can we take a nap together please?" Nagito asks, using his puppy eyes, knowing the other boy won't say no. "We can't just take a nap now".

      "Please Izzy, I won't be bratty for a week". "Undoubtedly you will anyways, but since today is your birthday I shall comply to your wish". Nagito eyes light up and he smiles, "Yay! I'm very tired". Izuru chuckles again, "I can tell".


"Sugar get up". "Noo! I wanna stay in bed". Izuru glares at him while crossing his arms. The boy promised a two hour nap, and now he won't get out of the bed. "Sugar we need to start getting ready". Nagito whines, "No! I wanna stay here".

Izuru sighs and drags Nagito out of 'their' bed. In the mist of being dragged, Nagito clings onto Izuru. "Izzy that was mean!". "Let go and get down".

Nagito slowly climbs off of Izuru, "You didn't have to drag me". "Come, let's start on your hair" Izuru states, holding his hand up. Nagito takes his hand and they both walk into the bathroom. "Is there a specific style you'd like?". "Surprise me". "Don't be mad if you don't end up liking the hair style".

"Impossible! I'll like anything that Izzy does". "What if I rape someone?" Izuru jokes, well at least tries. "I'll beat your ass if you do that and I'll make sure you feel like shit for doing it" Nagito threatens. "I was joking... I don't think it's funny anymore". "Izzy people get traumatized by rape, of course it's not a joke dumbass!" Nagito scolds.

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