The Girl on Fire-Part 3

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            Anastasia wiped the embers off my sleeve as quickly as the came. Nobody seemed to pay any mind to it, and for that she was grateful. Ever since the accident,  she had these strange... abilities and she believed its the reason the house burnt down, but she tried not to blame herself for my parents deaths. Even though deep down she knew she did. Few people were in the streets this early in the morning. There were some merchants setting up stalls, or shop keepers preparing to open. In about an hour, this street would be full of people . It was strange how quickly things could happen. Anastasia's mind returned to the man she saw last night. Not the drunk bastard, but the mysterious bystander. The white mask still haunted her. But not in a way that frightened her. More or so in a way that intrigued her. Maids talk, and they certainly loved talking about the mysterious, "Phantom of the Opera" this ghost was never proven, while certain stage hands claim they have seen him, Anastasia was not scared easily and a ghost story was not about to. Before she knew it, Anastasia was cleaning in the seats of the auditorium but her mind continued to wander. Was that the infamous masked man that other maids spoke of? Perhaps she had not seen anyone at all and she had simply gone mad. The thought amused her, but her serious mood returned, when as she was cleaning the front rows of seats, she swore she saw a black figure move through the catwalk above the flies. Soon, all the other maids had already finished, but Ana still had a few more rows of seat to do. In-fact, she had many rows left to do. It was going to be a late night. Soon, all of the cast in the opera had left, and the stage hands and maids all left. And it seemed that Ana was alone. Eventually she had finished, and she was exhausted. She only hoped that the managers would allow her to at least train to be in the corps de ballet. Then again, where would she get the tuition money from? The pay at the opera was enough to keep her fed, and that's it. The Opera Populaire was large. Huge, in fact. And Ana recalled seeing a spiral wooden staircase far backstage near the ballet dorms, and she believed it lead to the roof. She began walking through the backstage area as quietly as possible as not to disturb anyone, when she saw someone move in the corner of her eye. It was silent, so she was almost positive that it was her imagination and resumed walking. The staircase was exactly where she remembered it and so she began to climb. Her plain dress had dust and dirt covering it, but this much she expected, came with the job. Perhaps she was fooling herself. She had no money for ballet school, and her skills would most likely not even come close to comparing to the other dancers. "Im such a fool" she muttered, before realizing she was at the top of the staircase. And a door stood before her. Her fingers soon grasped the handle, and with a turn she pushed it open. It was windy, but not cold. It was as if all of Paris could be seen from here. She walked up to the edge where a concrete ledge stood. Taking her hair out of the tight bun it was in, she then pulled herself up on top of the concrete rail, and swung her legs over. It was quite settings like these, that made Anastasia question herself. The only thing she really knew about herself was her name. What if she had more family out there even if here parents were gone? Why did she have these strange abilities? The question in her mind caused her to look down at her hand. It was normally hard to just summon it out of no-where. She had to be extremely angry, or at least full with some sort of powerful emotion. Bringing her knees to her chest, she pushed herself up and stood, balancing between life and death on the railing. It was wide enough for her not to have many issues. There was still space left even with her feet on top. Once she was balanced enough, she held her hands out with her palms facing the sky. Closing her eyes, she tried to summon some sort of feeling. The first thing that came to mind was anger. Well, the first feeling at least. Her parents were gone, and most likely dead. Her hands stiffened, and she continued. The memory of waking up in the ruins of her home crossed her mind, as she felt tears leak through her closed eyes. She felt herself shaking and seething with anger, but also sadness. And also anger at said sadness. She opened her eyes, gasping for breath, and stared at the two large flames in her hands. They faded away as her breath became even, and she became calm. She got down from the ledge and stared out into the city once again, and was about to leave when she heard a voice behind her. "How did you do that?" Anastasia turned quickly, and saw the man she saw in the alleyway. 'So I'm not crazy' she thought to herself. The man who stood before her, was certainly no ghost. But that did not make him any less intimidating. Fear immediately coursed through her veins, but not fear of this man, rather what he was going to do since he saw her. "I...I do not know what your talking about Monsieur." he chuckled lightly as he took a few steps forward never breaking eye contact, causing Ana to lean father against the ledge railing. "I saw what you just did. I am no fool, and I am able to tell that neither are you. So do not play as one" he said sternly.A few moments passed as Anastasia tried to figure out what to say, but the only words that came were "I do not know." He said nothing. She glances to the left of the man. The door was not too far from here. The man was still staring at her, and seemed to be analyzing her. Trying to predict her next move. Breaking out into a sprint, she ran towards the door as fast as she could. The doorknob was almost in her grasp, when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her quickly, one encircling her waist, and the other holding a cloth to her mouth. 

And then everything went dark.

Authors note: Hi guys! As always i hoped you enjoy this chapter. I don't own Phantom of the Opera or any characters in this story expect Anastasia Rose. Please vote if you liked it and stay tuned for the next chapter!

P.S I don't condone unhealthy toxic behavior that may or may not be portrayed by the phantom in this fan fiction. It is a fictional story and not real. 

The Girl on Fire-A Phantom of the Opera fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now