The Girl on Fire-Part 7

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           A small groan escaped Anastasia's lips as she rolled over in the soft bed she found herself in. It certainly wasn't her own, with a blood red duvet that felt like heaven she knew she was at home. And she knew last night hadn't been a dream...But the blanket wasn't the only new red item she saw before her. Her once dark brown curls, had become a fiery red color. She sat up quickly, staring at the long red wave in her hand with disbelief. The more she looked back, the more she remembered where the searing pain was, it was on her back. Looking at her clothes, some pieces had been removed and she was only in her shift now, but something was on her back...she felt around behind her and felt a bandage wrapped around by her shoulder blades. And when brought her hand back, a small amount of blood lay on her fingertips. Looking around she saw that she was in some sort of bed, the room was small, but she could tell she was in Erik's home. Something had happened, and whatever it was he saw it. And she had never felt so vulnerable.

       There was a night dress, and thick robe draped on a chair next to the bed, and she changed quickly, well as quickly as she could with whatever two symmetrical wounds she had on her back would allow.   Her back hurt more than she could imagine, it was as it two knifes were constantly in it. Tying the robe around her, Anastasia began slowly making her was out into the lair. She saw Erik writing at his desk over by his organ, and it soothed her to see that he hadn't just left her there, after, well whatever happened. It was fuzzy, and hard to remember what exactly took place last night. Erik seemed to notice her presence, and stood, walking over to her tentatively  "How are you feeling?" she shook her head and looked down, her newly red hair flowing around her. She picked up a piece and stared at it, before looking back at Erik. "What the hell happened?" 

          "Come with me." she nodded and he bought her to a a small sitting room, with a fireplace and a small couch in front of it. Thankfully her wounds were higher up on her back, so it wasn't too painful to sit down. Once they were seated, Erik began speaking "What do you remember?" unable to remove her gaze from the fireplace, she gave her response "The pain...and then floating...there isn't much." 

        "You started crying and screaming on the floor. You told me to run but I didn't listen and tried to figure out what was wrong. Anastasia your hair, it lit up like a flame and...wings... sprouted from your back... " looking over to Erik, she couldn't help but gape at him. It was impossible....he continued "You fainted and the wings seemed to...retract back into your body. once i saw you were bleeding it took care of it as best I could, I am...sorry for having to put you in a state of undress, but there wasn't much of a choice." she was in too much shock to care, the only thing Anastasia could do was cry. Bringing her hands up to her face she cried softy "God what am I..." she couldn't recall how, but she found herself in Erik's arms, crying into the Phantom of the Opera's shoulder was hardly how she expected today to be.

But then again, neither was sprouting wings and emitting fire from her hands....

Hello Reader! I have another book that i am working on so if you liked this please go check out "The Phantom's Circus" on my profile!

The Girl on Fire-A Phantom of the Opera fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now