Chapter 8 - Wtf???

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Izuku's POV

I woke up didn't move from where I was laying... I couldn't... Kacchan had clung to me in his sleep.

I felt my face heat up, blushing a bit as I just waited for him to wake up...

After what seemed like forever, Kacchan woke up and quickly got outta bed, me being dragged off the bed with him.

I sighed and got up. I had to get ready for school.

We both brushed our teeth 'n' stuff, then we 'smashed faces'... but the chains didn't disappear.

"What the Hell!?!" Kacchan yelled, growling at the chains.

I got a bit worried. "I don't think they are gonna disappear, Kacchan.." I mumbled, looking up at him.

"Yeah, I knew that, damn Deku!" He huffed.

I stayed silent and let him throw his fit.

We somehow managed to change into our uniform (Anime Logic), ofc facing away from each other... it was weird-

We now had to think of how to get to class without looking SUS... 'cuz we never walk in class together.

We ran to class, skipping breakfast, and got there before anyone was there. We sat in our seats and, luckily, the chains were just long enough.

Our day went on... kinda strangely, but also normally.. Kacchan seemed to be acting weird sometimes.

And, get this!!! Kacchan let me have his leftover fruit during lunch!!! :0 ME!

-A FEW MONTHS LATER- (I have no idea what to write and I am impatient)

Kacchan had... warmed up to me over the months. He stopped yelling at me 'n' stuff, though he was still always angry.

Him being so... nice? to me was just... weird and unusual... I wasn't used to it.

What I also wasn't used to is literally being knocked out so Kacchan can plan something.

Like, I get he wanted to keep a secret or smth, BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE TO KNOCK ME OUT!!! >:0

I was prolly out for ,maybe... two hours..??? I woke up pretty late. Kacchan had been asleep.

Though I was curious for what he was planning, I resisted the urge to find out.

I laid in his bed, watching Kacchan as he slept. I sighed and sat up, looking around the room.

The sleeping Kacchan pulled me down and clung to me, like every other night.

But, this time, it just... made my whole body heat up and my heart beat faster.. I felt blush appearing on my face as I just laid there.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep after a bit...

I didn't know what Kacchan was planning, but I would find out soon.......

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