Chapter 3

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Raven's POV

I opened my eyes to the bright colors of the sunrise from my windows. The light was reflecting on my walls, leaving shadows behind my plants. I went in the bathroom, splashed some cold water on my face and headed back to my bedroom. I had already prepared my clothes for today, a pair of black pants with an oversized dark green t-shirt and my favorite denim jacket. 

After eating the croissant that Celeste left for me, I headed outside and waited in the pool area, while reading the book that Mom brought me.

Jade's POV

- And we're here! I'll be back in a few minutes.

Alessandro and I waited in the car, while Celeste went to get Raven. Then, a woman came outside of the house and headed to our direction.

- Alessandro! It's been too long my friend. How are things with you?

It had now been several minutes and I was getting bored waiting in the car. I asked the woman if I could get myself a glass of water inside and she told me how to get to the kitchen.

- Oh hi Jade! What are you doing inside?

- I was just a little thirsty. Did you find Raven?

- No, I can't find them anywhere in the house. I'll go check upstairs again.

I poured myself a glass of water and walked around the house. I stopped at the backyard's window, where I saw Raven. They were laying down in the grass, a book in their face. They looked so peaceful.

Raven's POV

- Hi. I'm Jade, Alessandro's niece. And you are Raven right?

Oh god, did I fall asleep again? I'm laying here in the grass, and there's a girl I never met right next to me. Celeste had to force me to go on this lemon picking trip, I at least thought I'd get to make a proper introduction to Jade, but she sees me like this.

- Um, yeah that's me. I'm so sorry am I late?

- No no don't worry, Celeste was just looking for you in the house and I saw you outside. Here, I'll help you.

She gave me her hand and helped me stand up. I was now facing her, our noses almost touching each other. Her green eyes caught all the sun light. We got back inside to tell Celeste I was ready and left.

- Raven, Jade, how about you guys head this way and we'll go this way. We can meet back here in about an hour, is that okay?

- Sure, see you later.

I was too embarrassed to talk with Jade on the way here, but I have to break the ice now. I showed her a little bit how the lemons grew in the trees and how to pick them. We walked around while I told her all I knew about lemons.

- AHHHH! WHAT IS THAT? she screamed.

- Oh you mean the butterfly? Yeah they really love lemons, you'll see them everywhere here. They're not the cutest as caterpillars, but I love how they look as butterflies.

I came closer to her and removed the butterfly from her hand.

Jade's POV

Their hands were so delicate, it looked like they brushed the butterfly away from my hand in slow motion. I looked at them, admiring the beautiful curls in their hair.

- You know what? I think we have enough lemons. We should go sit over there.

I followed them to a spot under a tree. We leaned on it and started talking about our pasts. They told me how Celeste and my uncle met and we talked about what we had in common.

- Wait, weren't we supposed to meet with Celeste and Alessandro like 30 minutes ago?

We laughed, I then got up and took the jacket they left on a branch. We walked back to the cars and got interrupted by the owner of the place.

- Raven, Celeste wanted me to tell you that they left. You can take these bikes, someone left them here a few weeks ago.

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