Chapter 3

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"Well then, we have no choice. You can live with us if you want, Alexis. We would be glad to have you here." Edward said.


Chapter 3

"Well I'd just like to join your coven. You see, I already have a home that I just move in to. I just want to be part of a coven or a place to belong." I said. I truely loved their house, but mine was very cosey and close to the beach.

" We would certinly be okay with that. But just to inform you we think of ourself as a family not a coven. A family is loving. A coven is just basicly a group of people." Esme said. Aww I could already see her as a loving mother.

"She is." Edward replied to my thoughts Geez, it's gonna take a while to get used to that. "Ya it is." 

"Geez, stop it!" I yelled strait to Edward.

" Hey, don't be herassing my little sister, Edward. You will pay for it!"

Then Bella glared at Jasper and he backed of. "Ah just as protective as I remeber you to be, Jaspy." I laughed.

Emmett snickered, "Jaspy, ha ha ha, Jaspy" I glared at him.

"Ya, Jaspy, you got a problem with that." I snapped back at him.

"Aww, see she fits perfect with the family." Bella cooed then bursted out laughing.

"Ya, Emme, baby, you got a problem with that." Rose said laughing her butt off."

"Emme, isn't that a girls name." Alice sneekered. Wow she was kinda quite today.

"Yup!" Rose replied. I heard some loud thumps and heartbeats, looking out the window to find some big wolves, like the noes who chaised me. I started to shake. Soon clamness came over me. One wolf disapered in the woods and then the human male that was here before, walked out.

I gasped "Holy, wow, he's a shifter!" I whispered in surprise. I once meet on when I was a new born. Except it was a cheetah.

" Wait a cheetah?" Edward asked 


" Hey, guys. Sam said just to stay the hell of our land bloodsucker, and he won't kill you. Ok." the man said. Bella slapped him, then whispered something to him, while he rubbed his arm. "Okay Geez. Hi, I'm Jacob. I'm a werewolf if you haven't noticed." Bella slapped him again. "Oww Geez stop it. I live on the reservation on the beach. Sam is our alpha. If you don't want him to mess with you, just stay of his land. Now someone plese tell me who this leech is." Well Jacob seems rude, but okay.

"I'm  Alexis. I just left the Volturri. I'm Jasper's little sister from his human years, and I just became part of this Co- I mean Family." I replied to him.

" Oh wonderful another." he sniffed the air." Wait what up with your sent. You smell good for a leech."

" Oh thanks!" I said with as much sarcasm as possible.

" Huh you acutaly do smell pretty good" Emmett said sniffing me. wierdo.

" Ya that's his role in the family." Edward said laughing. " Sorry. Silent conversations are fun Rose. Unless their with you." Then Rose growled. I looked out the window and a huge wolf was outside pacing around.

"Hey what's his problem?" I asked. Everyone shrugged besides Edward who sat their looking in disbelief.

" Hey, hunny what's wrong." Bella asked. Worriedness in her voice.

" Everythings fine love. Just what Seth's thinking. It all makes no sence. He's to freeked out to shift back to his human form. Hey Jacob can you go shift  and help him out. He seems not to be  thinking strait." Jacob came to him and Edward whispered something to him. He looked to Seth, then me, then Edward.

"What. The. Hell? Something in his mind is working wrong." Jacob said. He seemed to freeked out to say anything else. He looked to me shook his head and went out the door to shift. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out. It was a Samsung glaxy.

"Wow sweet phone." Bella said.

"Thanks." I said back to her. I looked at my text. It read:


Hey Lex, where are you. If you are anywhere close to the castle, watch out. Aro's throughing a temper tamtrum 'cause you left. He just killed half a dozen humans. Just be on guard. He won't be leaving or sending anyone out though to get you, quite yet. Hope you're safe.


I replied back.


It's okay. At Cullen Vampire's house. they brought me in. You don't need to know the details though. Watch for Aro to be looking at your thoughts.


"Jane? Really, surprising." Edward said.

"Ya so what's happening to.....Seth? Ya Seth right?" I asked. Sethhh. Cool name.

"Well lets get out their and find out." Edward said.

"Okay." so we all went out there, well acutally Emmett and Rose went to do someting we don't want to know and Carlisle went to work, so it was Edward, Bella, Renesmee, Esme, Alice, Jaspy and me. We went within 10 feet of Seth. Awww he's so cute.

"Hi puppy." I said giggling acting like I was 5. Sometimes my inner kids comes out. Alot. I started to pet him when Jacob growled at me.

"Back up, lexi." Jasper warned.

"I'm fine." his fur was soo soft and silky. It was a sandy color like the beach.He was very tense, but I felt him losen up as I petted him.

"Wierd he calms down at your touch." Jasper said. Edward had a look that said, that makes sence.

"Umm you might want to get off him now. He needs to go shift and his instincs are telling him to shift in a fell seconds." Edward said. That made me get off. No need to be by a shifter when they shift back to human. Naked.

"Bye puppy" I said still in my 5 year old state. I takes a while to get out of it. With that Seth run into the woods with his tale wagging behind him. He came back in about a 1/2 a min. with knee length tan shorts on. "Hey your the guy I saw at the beach." man he's HOT.

"Please keep that to yourself." Edward begged.

"Whatever." Seth had midnight black hair that was clean cut and dark brown eyes. He also was bult with a six pack and bisips. He stood, staring into my eyes, as if looking into my soul. I was doing the same, feeling his soul deep inside.

Alice's voice runued the moment "Can someone tell us whats going on?!?!" she said, oveously speaking for her and Bella.

"I found my imprint." Seth whispered. Aww imprints were like shapesifter's other half. To bad. He was so hot. 

"Alexis just wait a second and don't pout." Edward said. Dang mind reader. "Heard that."

"You were meant to."  I said back matter-of-factually.

"Alexis." Seth whispered. When he said my name it made me feel like jello inside. "So beutiful." Seth said, looking at me in awe. Ohhh I get it he imprinted on me. Wait! Werewolves don't imprint on vampires!!! " Alexis, you are my imprint." And with that everythingwent black.  





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