Chapter 10

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Hello everyone! I'm not gonna explain the rooms because i am trying to make a website (and not successeding!! lol). I'm just gonna say the living room is all modern and white, her room is blue and brown, with some wolf pics. and a computer room/libary attached and a balcony going outside. I just need a filler because I'm writing a new book sooooo...

1 month after the Cullens left

Paul's POV


I walked into Sam and Emily's house after running patrols. "Hey Sam, Hey Emily." I said.

"Hey Paul" they said together.

"Sam, I was wondering if you knew where Jake and Seth are. I see them every so often, but only little bits." I said. Both has been gone for about 3 weeks.

"Ummm It's nothing. They're just depressed. With the Cullens gone they are both throughing fits. I guess it got on Leah's nerves alot." He said.

"Why would Seth be deprssed."

"I'm not letting them go see their imprints. I forced Jacob and it didn't work the best so I kinda hurt him?"

"WHAT!" Emily yelled.

"I can't let him leave!" Sam cried.

"You let thoose boys see their mates!" Okay this is acward. I slowly backed out of the room as Sam went and phased.

Seth's POV





Thoose were me and Jacobs thoughts. We both longed for or mates. Jacob hurt and me with no Alpha were both not going anywhere.

WHAT SAM! Jacob thought

You and Seth are alowed to leave. Sam thought


Alexis' POV

Three weeks

Loved but not the right kind of love.



My thoughts have been about him. Seth. My feeelings and Renesmee's feelings are tearing Edward and Jasper to pieces. She has kept to her room. I've mostly done that but I need to hunt and I'm the only person aloud in  Renesmee's room so I bring her food. I never saw a child so young depressed. It's beyond sad.

We start school today and I'm worried.

"Everyone downstairs!" Carlisle called. I got changed and rushed downstairs,

Renemsee's growing is now like a normal child, unlike the other hybird that they know about.

"Okay as you all know you are going back to school. Since Alexis looks just a bit younger than Jasper we'll say that him and her are twins and in their third year, Rosalie and Emmett will be seinors, Bella and Edward are in their second year and Alice will join Alexis and Jasper in her third year. Of course, no exposing yourselves and act human. Ladies and men you will be aloud to wear your wedding bands as long as you put them on your right hand." He said sternly."Agree?" Everyone said ya or yes. "Have fun" and with that everyone mumbled.

I went up to Renesmee's room to try and get her up. Bella and Edward came too to see if she would say goodbye. 

I knocked on her door, "Renesmee, were going to school. Your parents would like to say goodbye."

"Tell them to go away!" Renesmee said back. She's very crabby lately. 

"Just one minute." I poked my head in. She sighed and slowly noded her head. "Come on guys."

"Hi Renesmee." They said togther.

"Hi momma hi daddy." She said barly a whisper and her voice cracked. You could tell she had been crying.

"Hunny, I'm sorry we had to move." Bella said. 

"I'll give you some privacy. Bye Renesmee see you after school." I said walking out of the room.

"Bye Alexy." She said very quite again. I ran downstairs into my car and Alice and Jasper came in Alice jumping in the small back. 

"You know that's not a seat right?" I asked Alice.

"So I fit!"Alice stated back.

"Whatever." It took about 5 minutes to get to school going super fast. "Lets get this show on the road!" I yelled as We got out of my car. Everyone stared at us as Edward, who just pulled up with Bella, Rosalie, and Emmett in his Volvo, growled and Bella just gave him a kiss and he relaxed.

'Is this normal?' I thought to Edward. 

"Yes. Now lets go get our sceldules. I pulled so strings and got everyone in a class with the person or persons acting the same age. Your  all welcome!"

"You don't need to mare yourelf sound cool. It's never gonna happend." Emmett stated.

"Shut up Emmett! We also all have Luch together." He said. We got in and a woman in her 40s was at the desk named Mrs. Betrice staring at us while Edward cuckled so low so only we could here.  "Hello. We're Mr. and Mrs. Cullen's children. We are new here and need our schedules and looker combinations." I just ignored as Edward talked to her. I was thinking about Seth and how much I missed him.

"He'll be visiting soon Lexi. Don't worry." Jaspy whispered to me.

"I know." I said sad. 

We walked out and Jaspy Alice and I went to our lockers all next to eachothers. Alice looked at her phone and texted someone and Grabbed Jazper's habd and whispered something to him. He smilled and went back to normal.

"Okay so first wwe have Lititure, then launguage arts, then U.S. History, that's a good one! Then Art or Music, Lunch, Biology, then Caculus, and Gym. Not soo bad." Jasper said looking at the map memorizing it. 

"Okay lets go to Homeroom with Mrs. Schmitt." I said, "Jazz lead the way!" 

"Sure." He replied.

We walked to class. "Hello, you must be the new students?" she asked.

"Ya! I'm Alice Cullen and this is Jasper and Alexis Hale!" Alice said excited. Jasper and I stiffened when walking in so she was just helping. I mouthed 'thank you' to her. she just nooded and the teacher told us take the seats in the back. I sat in the way back with Jasper on my one side and Alice next to him. I was close to the window so it helped. She introduced us. Latter on into  the lesson the door opened and in walked..............


DUH DUH DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE SONG and  I want to thank  XxRandomCuti3xX for my Cover!!!

She had to redo it 5 WHOLE TIMES! SHE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!




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