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When one door closes, another one opens.

It's the way of life. It's how it goes, like it or not. Life is a story, filled with good and bad endings and some twists. Some think that when one possibility closes, all possibilities are lost.

This is a common misinterpretation. There are endless possibilities in every decision, every idea.

Life can be a bitch, I'm not telling you otherwise. But if life was all a straight path, where would all the fun be in that? No adventure, no drama, no action. Life would be boring, miserable, and depressing.


Player is the type of person that thinks it's the end of the world if one idea doesn't work out. When you look at his notorious losing history, I doubt you'd be surprised. He's been sticking to one idea, one plan, all his life.

When he and Veteran became a couple, he felt as if his life was complete. He felt as if nothing could go wrong. He told himself that he wouldn't spread his losing streak to his relationship.

Well... There are some things he never accounted for...

Let's just say, his life isn't going to go as he planned it to go...

But, when one door closes, another one is always open. The door may be hard to find, but it's there... Lurking in the shadows...


Stranded, an AUL fanfiction // Player x CaptainWhere stories live. Discover now